Gone But Not Forgotten
This page is dedicated to the Places in Las Vegas that while they may not be there anymore, still exist in our memory. As we find photos or postcards, we will post them along with info about the buildings and businesses:
Special Thanks to RoadsidePictures
Eric Lynxwiler, As We Knew It, LA Time Machines, Nevada State Museum and UNLV Special Collections for letting us their photos.
Airdome Theatre
Aku Aku Restaurant
Algiers Hotel
Allen and Hansons Men's Store
Alpine Village Restaurant
Arctic Circle Drive-In
Arizona Club
(Block 16's most opulent club)
Beckley’s Mens Wear
Bird Cage Club:
Block 16
Bottle House
Bonanza Beverage
Bond Street Clothiers (Fremont street)
Boulder Club:
Boulder Drug Company
Bowmer and Berry's Showcase
Boulevard Theatres
Bracken House at 411 Fremont St
California Club (Fremont street)
Cashman Garage
Cashman Cadillac

Chateau Vegas
CH Baker Shoes:
Chic Hecht’s Womens Wear
Christ Church Episcopal
Churchill Downs
Cinerama Dome
Circus Maximus
Clark County Courthouse
Clover Club (Fremont street)
Christensen’s Mens Wear (Fremont street)
Coin Castle (Fremont street)
Coca Cola Bottling Company
Convention Center
Corey’s (Fremont street)
Coronet (Downtown) (Fremont street)
Conklin Garage (Fremont street)
Desert Inn
Dixie Waffle and Sandwich Shop (Fremont street)
Dome of the Sea
Dunes Country Club and Sultan
DV4C Ranch
Ed W Clark Forwarding Company
El Morroco
El Rancho Vegas:
El Rancho Vegas Arrow Sign
Elwell Hotel
Ethel’s Liquor (Fremont street)
Fabulous LV Magazine
Fanny’s (Fremont street)
Fifth Street Liquor :
Fifth Street School Kindergarten and Manual Arts Building
First State Bank (Fremont street)
Florsheim Store (Fremont street)
Fox Plaza Theatre
Francisco Square
Frontier Savings
Frontier TV and Radio
Fremont Theatre (Fremont street)
Frontier Club (Fremont street):
Garehime Music Store
Garwood Van Musicland
Golden Goose (Fremont street)
Green Shack
Guild Theater (Fremont street)
Helldorado Village (Fremont street)
Hidden Well Ranch
Hill Top House:
Holsum Bread
Ice House (Main street)
Isis Theatre (Fremont street)
Jack Dennison’s Jungle Club
Jack Dennison’s Copper Cart
J C Penney’s (Downtown) (Fremont street)
John Fish Jewelers
Jolley Trolley Casino
Kactus Kate’s
Ladd’s Plunge (Fremont street)
La Bonita Hotel (Fremont street)
Landmark Hotel and Casino
Las Vegas BBQue (Fremont street)
Las Vegas Bowl:
Las Vegas Cash and Carry (Fremont street)
Las Vegas Garage (Fremont street)
Las Vegas Hospital
Las Vegas Hotel and Café (Fremont street)
Las Vegas Pharmacy (Fremont street)
Las Vegas Sweet Shop (Fremont street)
Last Frontier Village
Leaning Tower of Pizza
Li’l Pardners
Little Caesars
Luigi’s Charcoal Broiler
Luce and Goodfellow
Lucky Strike (Fremont street)
Magic Eye Seamstress
Marina Hotel
Masonic Lodge
Meadows Nite Club (first home of KENO)
Melody Lane Restaurant
Mermaid Swimming Pool (Fremont street)
Mint (Fremont street):
Monte Carlo Club (Fremont street)
Nashville Nevada Club
Nehi Beverage
Nevada Beverage
Nevada Biltmore Hotel
Nevada Club:
Northern Club (Fremont street)
Oasis Café (Fremont street)
Opera House (Fremont street)
Oregon Suite
Overland Hotel:
Pair O Dice Club:
Parks Mansion
Parkway Theatre
Peter Pan Playskool
Pinjuv Richfield Station
Pioneer Club/Vegas Vic Rooftop Sign
Playland Arcade
Plush Horse
Rancho Grande Creamery
Rancho Market:
Red Rock Theatres
RexAll Drugs (Fremont street)
Rex Bell Western Wear (Fremont street)
Ronzoni’s (Fremont street)
Round-Up (Fremont street)
Sands Hotel and Casino
Savoy Club (Fremont street)
Sears (Downtown)
7-Up Bottling
Schwartz’s Men Shop (Fremont street)
Silver Palace (Fremont street)
Simon’s Garage (Fremont street)
Silver Café (Fremont street)
Skaggs (Fremont street)
Sky Rider Motel
Sky Way Drive-In:
Smith and Chandler (Fremont street)
Squires House (Fremont street)
Stardust Drive-In
State Café (Fremont street)
Super Slide on Decatur
Tam O’Shanter
Ted Vesley Music
Thomas Department Store (Fremont street)
The Thunderbird:
Tower Service Station
Train Depot:
Troy Laundry
21 Club (Barrel House) (Fremont street)
Union Pacific Depot/The Beanery (Fremont street)
Valley Bank
Von Tobel Lumber (both locations)
Ullom Photography Studio
Vegas Village
Villa Capri
Villa Venice
Ward Cash and Carry (Fremont street)
Wards Mesquite Grocer (Fremont street)
War Memorial
Westward Ho
White Cross Drugs (Fremont street)
Whitehead House (Fremont street)
White Spot Café
Wimpy’s (Fremont street)
W T Grants

Reader Comments (103)
Thriftimart (Jan Laverty & her brother), Montgomery Wards, Woolworth & Woolco (Fremont St) & Grand Central Stores
Been here since 1968 - 40 years.
Blue Onion drive-in restaurant,Trader Bill's at 4th & Fremont,the Circus Room, Miss Bobbie's dress shop, Ball Studio-photography SamsTown junk store at 6th & Fremont, Sultan's Table (Dunes), Mr, Sy's, Rocking Horse Ranch, Twin Lakes, Warm Springs,Corb's,Ardens dress store, Tally-Ho,The Flame, Basco, Ardan, Fantastic Fair, Karl's Shoes, Daydream Ranch
How bout Ollies trollies. The teenbeat club was the only place in town for teenagers to hang out at.
The Tip-Top at Charleston and Las Vegas Blvd, and the famous Blue Onion.
I could go on and on, but dont have the time right now,,
The Chicken soup at the Alpine Village...the best!
My grandparents worked for Union Pacific and came here to work on the train station, there was nothing here but tents.
The Club Bingo downtown, and the Sage and Sand Motel right next to Caesars Shell gas station. We used to buy all of our white shirts at Vegas Village, before Gemco and Walmart got here.
I'm glad somebody remembered Carbone's Pizza on Charleston, we loved that place. So many great memories of Vegas since 1976.