Entries in neon (7)
Lost Vegas: The Mint
It was a majestic mid-century modern piece of architecture sitting right there on Fremont Street amid the western motif of the Golden Nugget and the western flavor of Benny Binion's Horseshoe Club.
The Mint, all pink and adorned in a necklace of chaser lights and neon, is the one hotel on Fremont Street that to this day, when Hollywood set designers want to reference that era and Las Vegas, the Mint is the go-to choice. With its pylon sign and the chaser lights rising into the night sky to light the neon star at the top of the pylon, the Mint gloried in its mid-century modern finery.
Read more at ClassicLasVegasBlog.com

Preservation Spotlight: Help Save Davy's Locker Neon
There is a very real possibility that the whimsical neon fish that has long advertised Davy's Locker bar on Desert Inn near Maryland Parkway may go dark and worse, be replaced by a generic strip mall sign.
Learn how you can help save the Neon Fish at:
Photo courtesy of Las Vegas Weekly and Sam Morris

Classic Saturday images
How many of these do you remember?
Check it out here: ClassicLasVegasBlog.com
Here's a taste:
Nashville Nevada Club

"Lost Vegas": Fremont Street
In our latest entry of "Lost Vegas", we take a look at Fremont Street.
Check out it out:
and share with us your memories of Fremont Street!

The Neon Museum, the NY Times and Us!
The New York Times did a wonderful piece on the Neon Museum and the Stardust sign and included in the story is a link to our history of the Stardust Hotel!
Check it out:
We may be made of star stuff, as the astronomer Carl Sagan once said, but our imaginations contain a strong dose of “Stardust” — at least as the word appears here. The capital S, its 17-foot-tall body peppered with bulbs, is shaped like a coy lightning bolt. Its jagged strokes change thickness and meet at unexpected angles, like the stylized clothes of “The Jetsons.” The T’s are like toon sketches of rays shooting from stars.
For the rest of the article (and the link to us is in the next paragraph):
Thanks, New York Times!!!!