Entries in Fremont Street (103)

Lost Vegas: The Mint

It was a majestic mid-century modern piece of architecture sitting right there on Fremont Street amid the western motif of the Golden Nugget and the western flavor of Benny Binion's Horseshoe Club.

The Mint, all pink and adorned in a necklace of chaser lights and neon, is the one hotel on Fremont Street that to this day, when Hollywood set designers want to reference that era and Las Vegas, the Mint is the go-to choice. With its pylon sign and the chaser lights rising into the night sky to light the neon star at the top of the pylon, the Mint gloried in its mid-century modern finery.

Read more at ClassicLasVegasBlog.com

Throwback Thursday: Fremont Street

To go along with our "Lost Vegas" featue that spotlights Fremont Street this week, we have added a Throwback Thursday slide gallery of our always remembered, Main Street, Las Vegas style.

It's up here: ClassicLasVegasBlog.com

Share with your friends, check out our Classic Las Vegas Facebook page and follow us on Twitter-@ClassicLVBlog!


"Lost Vegas": Fremont Street

In our latest entry of "Lost Vegas", we take a look at Fremont Street.

Check out it out:


and share with us your memories of Fremont Street!

We introduce a new feature: Lost Vegas

We are introducing a new feature on our updated blog called Lost Vegas where we talk about the history of places that are no longer part of Las Vegas but remain part of our shared history.

We will offer images from private collections, history, old timer's memories and we hope you will share your memories with us as well!

It's all at ClassicLasVegasBlog.com

We kick off this feature with an in-depth look at the fabled, Green Shack restaurant,  a favorite of many, best known for its fried chicken (and in the early days), its bootleg whiskey.


Join us at our updated blog, ClassicLasVegasBlog.com for more history and images!

Las Vegas Memory Lane

                   Fremont Street with just a sliver of the park that once was in front of the Train Depot


Fremont Street looking west towards the Train Depot


The wonderful Fox Theater in the original Charleston Plaza Mall.

It was a great theater, big, comfortable seats, big screen with a red curtain and air conditioning.


Fremont Street looking east towards the El Cortez


Glitter Gulch


Fremont Street looking west towards the Train Depot


Robbie the Robot plays blackjack




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