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Arsonist in Henderson starts 8 Fires

Summertime is always fraught with trouble, especially here in the West where we have drought conditions and high temperatures.

Fires start easily and can wreck havoc and destruction in their wake.  It's tough enough when they are acts of nature but doubly hard when they are started on purpose by arsonists.

Early Friday morning, in Henderson, an arsonist started eight, possibly nine (yes, you read that right) fires.   KLAS-Channel 8 is reporting that shortly after 4:00 am, firefighters reported Eastern and Serene and found a vehicle, a house and several dumpsters on fire.

One of the dumpster fires could easily have burned down a new shopping center.  One home is completely in ruins.  All eight fires began in the same area at roughly the same time.  Damage is estimated at $600,000 and fire investigators are asking for the public's help to identify people of interest.

Posted on Sunday, June 24, 2007 at 4:10PM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn | CommentsPost a Comment

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