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First Neon Tour a success

Last night was the first annual Las Vegas Lites Neon Tour sponsored by the Los Angeles based Museum of Neon Art.  The busload of travelers started their tour via bus at noon in Los Angeles and  arrived in Las Vegas about 6:00 pm.   After dinner, they began their Neon Lites tour on an open-air double decker bus.   The tour started from Caesars Palace.   Their tour guide was Classic Las Vegas pal, Eric Lynxwiler.  Another CLV pal, RoadsidePictures, was on board as the unofficial photographer.

The tour, as we understand it, took a little over three hours and was a success.  Look for them to do it again next year.  The Museum of Neon Art, each summer, offers week-end (Friday and Saturdays) Night Neon Tours of Los Angeles (aboard a double decker bus with Eric Lynxwiler as your guide) and these are wildly successful.  We know, we've been on one of them.

Our good friends here in Las Vegas at the Atomic Age Alliance, had one last winter as part of their Mondo Lounge Atomic Frolic and it, too, was a rousing success. 

Which begs us to ask the question, why isn't the Las Vegas Neon Museum offering week-end night time bus tours of Las Vegas?

We hope to have pictures later today that show some of the sites they stopped at! 



The Bus



It's Classic, It's rare, It's still lit.  One of our faves.



An angle you don't usually get from Atomic Liquors.


Thanks to RoadsidePictures for allowing us to use these images. 

Posted on Sunday, June 24, 2007 at 4:18PM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn in | CommentsPost a Comment

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