Las Vegas in the 1950s
More photos from the Life Magazine/Google Archive:
This was taken by Life photographer, Loomis Dean, in 1952. Back then, $3,000,000 was a lot of money.
Today the same plot of land would sell for considerable more. I have to say, I do enjoy seeing all that
desert. Reminds me of the Las Vegas of my youth.
Comedian Phil Silver gets in on the showgirl act in another great Loomis Dean picture from the Las Vegas Strip, circa 1952.
The famous Dinner Show audience watches the opening act, possibly the Copa Girls from the famed Sands Hotel. This is another photo by Loomis Dean that captures the quaintness and the energy of the Las Vegas Strip of our collective memory.
Las Vegas World War II Bond Rally
Today's Las Vegas picture from the Life Magazine/Google Archive is the wonderful photo from 1943.
The police are guarding $500,000 in silver that is part of World War II bond rally. It could be at the El Rancho Vegas, the Hotel Last Frontier or one of the small gambling joints on Fremont Street.
The photographer was John Florea.

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