Entries in Endangered Site of the Week (4)

Update on the Huntridge Theater

We would like to thank our friend and fellow member of the Friends of Classic Las Vegas, Brian Paco Alvarez for writing this article and allowing us to share it with all of you:

The Huntridge Theatre for the Performing Arts – A Brief History of Recent Events

By Brian Paco Alvarez

Historical changes…

In the early part of the 1990’s the vulnerable Huntridge Theatre became a focus of intense community attention. Many believed that the theatre was in danger of being demolished due to the lack of awareness of its historical significance. Early discussions began taking place and various solutions were presented. The final solution would be to seek funding from the State of Nevada Commission for Cultural Affairs. Beginning in 1993 through fiscal year 2007 the commission has awarded 86 grants totaling over 35 million dollars for preservation projects through out the State of Nevada.

From the very inception of the grant program in 1993, the Huntridge Theatre began applying for and receiving funding. The theatre received grants consistently from 1993 until 2001 totaling $1,586,872.54. The grants received were used to rehabilitate the building and adaptively reuse the facility both as a movie theatre and a concert venue. In 1995 the main roof over the auditorium collapsed due to age and was restored in 1996.

The Alternative Music Scene and the Huntridge…

Through the 1990’s the non-profit Friends of the Huntridge, the organization entrusted to manage and program the theatre, attempted to bring quality performances and festivals to the venue. The Huntridge Theatre was mainly used as an alternative concert venue and had several early successes with Alternative Rock and other types of stylistically similar music genres. Alternative Rock was much in vogue throughout the 1990’s and Las Vegas was becoming the hotbed of this musical movement. It had even been reported that Las Vegas could be the next Seattle. Local bands like 12-Volt Sex and Ataboy Skip were beginning to receive attention both regionally and in some cases nationally. In 1997 the University of Nevada, Las Vegas radio station KUNV was awarded the Best College Station of the Year during the yearly Gavin Awards in New York City for its signature program “Rock Avenue.” Rock Avenue was the only radio program in Las Vegas that featured local rock bands and alternative music. The award winning program was run by two well known Las Vegas locals John “Ducky” Slaughter and Ryan “Tiger” Kinder. Both these program directors were the last of a famous lineage of program directors from KUNV. The most famous program directors the radio station ever had were Las Vegas natives Scott Kirkland and Ken Jordan the dynamic duo of the legendary electronic group the Crystal Method.

Though many early successful concerts and programs were brought to the theatre during those years the venue had trouble maintaining a steady cash flow.

Much speculation has occurred as to why the management had trouble programming the venue. Some have reported that the opening of the Hard Rock Hotel with its very successful theatre “The Joint” was one of the most significant factors. Others have speculated that mismanagement by the Friends of the Huntridge played a role. Though no one factor can be pinpointed for the eventual failure of the organization it can be surmised that a combined list of factors probably led to the theatre eventually closing.

Last ditch efforts…

In an attempt to make the venue profitable the Friends of the Huntridge tried to diversify the use of the building by making physical changes to the historic fabric of the theatre. The first significant change was to create a large fly space above the proscenium that could be used for theatrical performances. The second attempt was to change the original projection room and second floor environs into a state of the art recording studio. The third and most significant change was the removing of the original seating and the flattening of the auditorium. The reason the latter was done was to make the venue into a potential banquet hall.

Unfortunately, these three important physical changes did little to stop the wave of losses that had encumbered the organization. Lastly, the City of Las Vegas had to provide emergency funding to keep the theatre from closing all together. It has been noted that the City of Las Vegas did provide funding on several occasions in the early 1990’s and in the early part of the new millennium.

The end of an era…

In 2002 the Friends of the Huntridge realized that the theatre would not be able to maintain its doors opened and a decision was made to sell the property and disband the Friends of the Huntridge. The theatre was sold for less than 1 million dollars to local businessman Eli Mizrachi. Though little is known about the final financial agreements between Mr. Mizrachi and the Friends of the Huntridge what is understood is the new owner has to abide by covenants that are attached to the building. These covenants require the owners of buildings that have received grants from the state for Historic Preservation projects have to abide by conditions set by state law. The covenants attached to the Huntridge require the owner not to demolish or otherwise destroy the historic fabric of the building until a set date in the future. In the case of the Huntridge Theatre the state covenants require the owner to maintain the structure intact until 2017. It has been speculated that there are two other covenants attached to the building from the City of Las Vegas. These other covenants are currently being researched by city staff. Soon after the transfer of ownership occurred the new owner attempted to use the venue for concerts though he also has had little success.

Today the Huntridge Theatre stands as a shell of its former self. Slowly time has taken a toll and the beautiful building that stood poised to change the performing arts in Las Vegas when it finally reopened in 1996 is now shuttered. Vandals and the homeless have been blamed for much of the destruction that has occurred inside the building. Most if not all the original accouterments of the structure are gone and lost to history. The terrazzo floor monogrammed with the Letter “H” is still at the entrance. The tower emblazoned with the Huntridge name in neon with its original font are still standing; the namesake of not just the theatre but the neighborhood that surrounds it. Many of the original Streamline Moderne architectural details of the outside of the building are still present as are some of the details in the interior. Though the building is not what it used to be, the very essence of the structure is still present and when one stands in front of it they are easily reminded of a bygone age an age as recent as the 1990’s.

The Future…

As of today the Huntridge Theatre is in its most vulnerable moment. The owners have no interest in restoring the structure to its former glory and are more interested in the value of the land below it. On March 21, 2008 Eli Mizrachi and his legal council will be going to Carson City to ask the Commission on Cultural Affairs to repay the grants that have been awarded to the Huntridge for its refurbishment. If the commission decides to grant Mr. Mizrachi his wishes and accepts the repayment of the grants then the future of the theatre is very bleak. Furthermore this decision will have long lasting ramifications for preservation efforts all over the United States. It is our hope that the State of Nevada Commission on Cultural Affairs will not permit Mr. Mizrachi to be released from these important covenants and that Mr. Mizrachi embraces the wonderful structure that he has in his possession; that he works with the community and all those involved to find a realistic solution that will save one of Las Vegas’ greatest historical buildings.

Update on Frazier Hall

On Tuesday, Nov. 20th, the County Commissioners held their weekly meeting.  On the agenda was an item supporting the preservation of Frazier Hall.  In attendance were Regent Mark Alden, Regent Thalia Dondero, Josh Geidel of the Atomic Age Alliance, Brian "Paco" Alvarez, Friends of Classic Las Vegas president Ben Litvinoff, Mary Joy Alderman, Pam Kowalski and me.

It was a long morning waiting for the agenda item to come up.  When it finally did, Regent Alden talked about the importance of saving the Hall, Regent Dondero talked about the importance of Maude Frazier and Josh Geidel talked about the need to preserve the history of UNLV.  Mary Joy Alderman spoke on behalf of Friends of Classic Las Vegas about the need to stop destroying our history.

Commissioners Chris G and Tom Collins spoke in favor of supporting the preservation of Frazier Hall.  Commissioner Chip Maxfield was concerned about the Commission overstepping its bounds with UNLV.  Commissioner Rory Reid called for a vote.  Maxfield was the only nay vote and the agenda item was carried through.

This is going to be one of the big preservation issues going into 2008.  The Friends of Classic Las Vegas are joining with the Atomic Age Alliance to help save Maude's building.

Here is the latest info concerning the rally being held on Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 28th at UNLV:

Atomic Age Alliance co-hosts “Save Maude’s Hall” Rally with the Anthropology Society of UNLV in support of the preservation of Maude Frazier Hall, the first building ever built on the UNLV campus.

UNLV History to be Demolished and Re-written

The first classes at UNLV were held here in Maude Frazier Hall on September 10, 1957. It is one of Midtown’s most historic buildings. As the university focuses on the next 50 years, this building is slated for potential demolition within the coming year. On November 29 and 30th the Board of Regents will discuss this decision, whether they will turn their backs on their history and identity, or celebrate this building as a bridge representing the last 50 years of educational growth in Southern Nevada, and as a gateway to the future of UNLV and Midtown redevelopment.

Named for a Female Pioneer of Nevada

Frazier Hall is a testament to a pioneering spirit that few in the history of Nevada have possessed. The individual for whom it is named, Maude Frazier, was responsible for bringing educational facilities of Southern Nevada into the 20th and now 21st centuries. From her ground breaking efforts in the procurement of funds to build Las Vegas High School, to her equally impressive work

persuading the State of Nevada to provide funds for a fledgling university, Maude Frazier’s work is the foundation upon which a substantial portion of Southern Nevada’s educational past, present and future is built. In addition to being a champion of education, Maude Frazier was also a state assembly person and the first female Lieutenant Governor of Nevada. The edifices constructed to celebrate individuals are touchstones by which inspirational spirits may be remembered. Rather then tear down the original and affix Maude’s name to a new irrelevant structure, Maude Frazier Hall should become part of the new master Mid Town plan and saved for the enrichment of generations to come.

The Rally

The “Save Maude’s Hall” rally will bring together student, fans of architecture, alumni and others who care deeply about this important piece of Las Vegas and Clark County history. Special guest speakers will be announced. It will be held from 11:30 to 12:20 making it a convenient lunchtime activity for students and working professionals alike. Local award winning pizzeria, Metro Pizza, has donated pizza for the first rally attendees who arrive.


We hope to see you there! 





Frasier Hall at UNLV

Latest update on Frazier Hall from FCLV member Brian Paco Alvarez:


I just received a phone call from Regent Alden regarding the resolution to be passed by the Board of County Commissioners. The board will be meeting on Tuesday, November 20th at 9AM at the Clark County Government Center. For those who would like to speak regarding the issue it is recommend that the comments be kept short.
If you have any questions and or concerns please feel free to contact me or Regent Alden at anytime.




We have an update on Frazier Hall from FCLV pal Brian "Paco" Alvarez:

There will be a meeting with University Regent Mark Alden regarding Frazier Hall to be held Friday, November 9th at the TAM Alumni Center on the campus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. The meeting will begin promptly at 5PM the meeting will be for approximetly 30 minutes. 


The University of Nevada Las Vegas devised a master plan in 2004 that calls for the demolition of the university’s first building, the Maude Frazier Hall, built in 1957. The purpose for the demolition is to make way for a new Maryland Parkway entrance that can be a more eye pleasing focal point for the university than what is currently there.

The building was named after Maude Frazier who was a trail blazing educator in Southern Nevada. Frazier arrived in Las Vegas in 1921 and was a maverick for her time, as a woman and a teacher. She was known for her spunk and shrugged off the conventions of the time that required teachers to refrain from dancing or other forms of harmless entertainment. She became the high school principal and convinced the public to pass a $350,000 bond to build the Las Vegas High School (now the Academy). She later served in the state legislature for 12 years and was the first female Lt. Governor. Among her other accomplishments was persuading the state to appropriate $200,000 to build a university in Southern Nevada and then with the help of Archie Grant and R. Guild Gray, raised an additional $100,000 to finish the job. It was only fitting that the university’s first building should be named after Southern Nevada’s most influential early educator.

Frazier Hall currently houses Student Enrollment and Financial Services. Once these departments are transferred to a newer building, Frazier Hall will be demolished in about 16 months. Rather than destroy a part of Southern Nevada history, UNLV should embrace it and find a way to incorporate this historic structure into its new plans.

62-1150-frazier_hall1957.jpg Progress or history? Preservationists protest plan to demolish UNLV's first building

By Charlotte Hsu, Las Vegas Sun
Las Vegas Sun

A squat white box of a building facing Maryland Parkway, UNLV's Maude Frazier Hall seems nothing special. Outside, the paint peels. Inside, the ceiling, or something above the ceiling, rattles when the ventilation system turns on. Students wait in line to register for classes and request transcripts.

But as the university celebrates its 50th year, people are queuing up to save this nondescript ­- and some say ugly - little structure. Frazier Hall, the campus' first building, is scheduled to be demolished next fall.

A small portion of the building that houses the campus phone switch and other infrastructure will get a reprieve until the technology is no longer needed.

UNLV officials say it would have cost more to renovate Frazier Hall than to move the student services it houses to a new building.

The plan is to replace the building with landscaping, creating a formal entrance to the grounds.

"Most people who drive around don't really know there's a really nice parklike setting in the core of the campus there," said Gerry Bomotti, senior vice president of finance and business.

Razing Frazier Hall will make UNLV a more inviting place, giving passersby a view of lush, tree-shaded lawns now hidden behind the building. Maude Frazier, the pioneer educator who pressured state officials a half -century ago to build a university in Southern Nevada, will be honored elsewhere at UNLV.

But the classic Vegas blow-it-up-when-it-ages mentality doesn't sit well with everyone.

"I am concerned about just tearing everything down and imploding a feature of Las Vegas, which we do constantly up and down the Strip," said Nevada System of Higher Education Regent Steve Sisolak, who earned a master's degree from UNLV in 1978. "I don't know if we want to take that to the university."

If Sisolak is going to back demolition, " they're going to have to give me an awful good reason why they've got to tear it down," he said.

"When I heard this I thought they were kidding me," Regent Mark Alden said of plans to flatten Frazier Hall.

"I'm in total shock. Every time I think about it I start crying, and I'm not even a graduate of this school. But I have enough sense to know what history is," he said. "And history is everything."

In the early years, Frazier Hall was the center of life at UNLV. On Sept. 10, 1957, it welcomed 498 students to the first classes on campus. A library, science laboratories, classrooms and faculty offices were all squeezed into it, according to an exhibit at UNLV's Marjorie Barrick Museum in honor of the school's 50th anniversary . Snakes, frogs and lizards for biology classes lived in cages lining the halls.

Before UNLV had a student union, friends would gather on a patio outside Frazier Hall to swap stories or play chess and guitar between classes, according to a book on UNLV's history by professor Eugene Moehring . That patio was later enclosed .

During UNLV's early years, Moehring writes, rattlesnakes on occasion terrorized Frazier Hall, shimmying down hallways and making themselves at home under desks and on bookshelves.

Today different problems plague the building. Old age has left Frazier Hall's roof and its electrical, heating, air condition ing and plumbing systems in disrepair. Water leaks have damaged some walls.

Fixing the 16,600-square-foot structure would cost about $5 million more than the $10 million UNLV spent on the new building that will house the registrar's office and other Frazier Hall services, Bomotti said.

Honoring Frazier - not preserving an exhausted building - should be the priority, UNLV officials say.

"We're firmly committed to having some ongoing recognition of Maude Frazier's name and her early impact on campus," university President David Ashley said. Plans to destroy the building predate his arrival at UNLV last year.

The salute to Frazier could come in the form of a plaque or other memorial in the new student services building. Naming the new gateway to the campus after her is another possibility, UNLV spokesman Dave Tonelli said.


Posted on Thursday, October 25, 2007 at 1:01AM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn in | CommentsPost a Comment | EmailEmail | PrintPrint

Endangered Site of the Week

Each week a brief history on an endangered, historic site.


The Huntridge Theater 


Designed by renownrd theater architect, S. Charles Lee, the Huntridge Theater was built between 1942 and 1944.  It opened on October 10, 1944.  It's Streamline Moderne style and neon pylon sign were eye-catching in the small town of Las Vegas where the majority of buildings were only two-stories. 

Owned in part by Classic Film Era Film Stars Irene Dunn and Loretta Young, the Huntridge was built to accommodate the employees of the various factories  who worked eight hour shifts around the clock.

Next door was the Huntridge Station Post Office and the neighborhood that was built behind the theater became known as  Huntridge.  After the War, Lloyd Katz and his wife Edythe, were hired to manage and run the theater.  Katz had been a movie promoter in Los Angeles and brought with him his Rolodex filled with names of celebrities.  When "Suddenly" premiered, Frank Sinatra (the film's star) sold tickets from the enclosed box office and was photographed with swooning women clamoring to buy tickets.

As the neighborhood behind the theater began to grow, the theater became known for playing family oriented films.  Many students from Las Vegas High School, including former Lt. Governor Lorraine Hunt and KLAS General Manager Bob Stoldal, worked as ushers there when they were teenagers.  Saturday matinees, Disney animated features and serials such as Superman all played at the Huntridge. When I was a kid, I think a movie there cost $.25 and my folks knew I would be there all afternoon!

While St. Anne's Church was being built at Maryland Parkway and Oakey Blvd, the Huntridge hosted the weekly Sunday Mass for parishioners.

Unlike other theater owners in town, the Katz's were opposed to segregation of any kind and because of that, they did not enforce any sort of seating policy where African-Americans had to sit in specially designated sections.

But as the town grew, the neighborhood changed and multi-plexes became the rage.   The Huntridge Theater began to look more than a tad long in the tooth. It closed for a time in 1977 and reopened as Revival House for classic films in the early 1980s.   It's large, roomy auditorium was cut in half to accomodate two screens.  Finally, after years as a second and third run theater, the Huntridge was transformed into the Huntridge Theater for the Performing Arts.  It was a very successful concert and theater venue during this incarnation.

In 1993, it was added to the National Registry of Historic Places. 

A roof collapse in 1995 made it necessary to rebuild much of the interior.  The roof collapsed prior to a performance by the Circle Jerks.  When the band showed up and heard the news, they set up an impromptu performance for the 30 to 40 fans who were milling in the parking lot.  After the roof collapsed, money was obtained from grants and renovations were made including a catwalk, fly loft, loading dock area, green room and enlarged stage--and the upgrades and improvements turned what was once a movie house into a full-production theatre.

The Huntridge stage hosted diverse events from children's theatre, Mexican comedy and dance concerts, to choir recitals and church services. The Theatre also functioned in its original role as a movie theatre, holding screenings for events such as the Las Vegas Parks & Recreation's Summer Saturday Matinee Series, SPIKE & MIKE'S Animation Festival.

It was home to the first year of the CINEVEGAS Film Festival.  But the Huntridge Performing Arts Theatre was mainly known as Las Vegas's premiere all-ages Alternative music venue.

However, it was not to last. In 2004, the curtain came down on the successful venue.  The theater was sold to a local businessman (who owns the mattress store next door).  He talked of reviving the theater and applied for grants to restore the theater to its former grandeur.  From 1993 to 2001, more than a million dollars in grants were awarded to the owners of the Huntridge (both the Friends of the Huntridge and the current owner)

However, since that time the Huntridge has lanquished in a limbo.  The owner refuses to spend any money to restore the building and he refuses to sell the building.  Due to covenants placed on the monies he received for his proposed restoration, the building cannot be altered or torn down until 2018.

Preservationists and historians around the Valley are all concerned about the fate of this grand theater.  The Friends of Classic Las Vegas, the Atomic Age Alliance, Preserve Nevada, Preservation Association of Clark County and the Historic Preservation Committee are all keeping an eye on this historic treasure.


Thanks to Allen Sandquist (RoadsidePictures) for allowing us to use this photo.