Entries from March 16, 2014 - March 22, 2014

We introduce a new feature: Lost Vegas

We are introducing a new feature on our updated blog called Lost Vegas where we talk about the history of places that are no longer part of Las Vegas but remain part of our shared history.

We will offer images from private collections, history, old timer's memories and we hope you will share your memories with us as well!

It's all at ClassicLasVegasBlog.com

We kick off this feature with an in-depth look at the fabled, Green Shack restaurant,  a favorite of many, best known for its fried chicken (and in the early days), its bootleg whiskey.


Join us at our updated blog, ClassicLasVegasBlog.com for more history and images!

Follow us on Facebook!



Classic Las Vegas Blog has a Facebook page:



So be sure to "like" us and follow us as we will be posting some images from our Classic Las Vegas Archive there!

Posted on Sunday, March 16, 2014 at 10:40AM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn in , , | CommentsPost a Comment