Entries from September 13, 2009 - September 19, 2009

Beyond the Mint: Mid-Century Modern Architecture of Walter Zick



You've waited patiently and we appreciate that.  Here is the latest information on our October 3rd event highlighting the work of local architect Walter Zick with a focus on his mid-century modern homes and commercial buildings.

If you went to school at Hyde Park Jr. High, John C. Fremont, Western, Valley or Clark, if you banked at the Bank of Las Vegas/Valley Bank or bank today at the Bank of America on West Charleston and Decatur, you've been in a Walter Zick designed building. 

If you spent time at Southern Nevada Memorial Hospital (today UMC) in the 1960s, the Flora Dungan Humanities Building at UNLV or the old Safeway and W.T. Grants on the corner of Maryland Parkway and E. Charleston, you've been in Walter Zick designed buildings.

If you love the Mint and it's beautiful pink and white neon sign, you know Walter Zick.

Walter Zick, along with his partner Harris Sharp, changed the look of post-war Las Vegas. From schools to banks to residential homes, Walter Zick and Harris Sharp put their stamp on Las Vegas.  They designed buildings for the Test Site, for housing projects, for government buildings.  They also designed hotels like the Moulin Rouge, the Mint and the Union Plaza.  They worked on early remodels of the El Rancho Vegas and the Flamingo.

Much of that architecture is still standing.

We have planned a day of exploring the talent of Walter Zick and we invite you to join us.

Saturday, October 3rd.

Nevada State Museum

700 Twin Lakes Drive in Lorenzi Park

11:30 am  Reception

12:00 pm 

Panel Discussion featuring noted Mid-Century Modern historian and author (and big fan of the Mint Hotel), Alan Hess; architect Eric Strain of Assemblage Studios and Walter Zick's daughters, Karen Zick Goff and Claire Zick Walker. 

Admission price for the Panel Discussion is $3, reservations for the Panel Discussion are NOT necessary.

Immediately following the Panel Discussion, there will be an afternoon bus tour around Las Vegas pointing out some of the still standing architecture of Walter Zick.  There will be four stops on the tour.  The fifth and final stop will be at the Morelli House, while not designed by Zick, is a beautiful example of mid-century modern architecture.  The Junior League has graciously offered to host tours of the house for tour participants.

RSVP's are MANDATORY for the bus tour due to limited seating.  Leave your name and phone number on the voicemail.  Both are important as we will be calling a few days before to confirm all the reservations.  Admission price is $5. 

You must call 702-486-5205 x 121 to RSVP.  Leave your name and a working phone number.

1:30 pm  Bus Loading

2:00 - 6:00  Bus Tour

The bus will return to the Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas by 6:30 pm.

Once we have reached the seating capacity of the bus, we will have a will-call list as well.  We recommend calling as soon as possible to insure that you get a seat on the bus.

This should be a wonderful day of history, fun and a  chance to learn about buildings that you have loved for years.

This event is made possible by the generous support of:

Nevada Humanities, the Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas; the Friends of Classic Las Vegas, VeryVintageVegas.com; the Junior League of Las Vegas, the Atomic Age Alliance and Brian "Paco" Alvarez.

Southern Nevada Memorial Hospital, image courtesy of Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas


Flora Dungan Humanities Building, UNLV, photo courtesy of Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas

Las Vegas High School All-School Reunion

Due to a technical snafu on the other end, the updated information for the Walter Zick event will be posted on Wednesday.


Last year, I was made an honorary alumnus of Las Vegas High School due to my work chronicling the lives of many of its graduates.

The honorary status comes with many treats none as much fun as the All-Class Reunion that the Alumni Association, led by Patty Haack, organizes each September.  It truly is the best party in town.  Sam's Town, owned by Bill Boyd, class of 1948, is the location and Boyd puts out a delicious spread.

Violet Oppedyke Tracht, 99 and an alumnus of the Class of 1928 was there again this year.  Berniece Johnson, class of 1937, was there celebrating her birthday with her family, including son, Norman who was a teacher of mine at Clark High School back in the day.  There was a terrific memorial to Joe Thiriot, long-time beloved teacher at the school.


Vi and her bouquet

It was great seeing B. Mahlon Brown, class of 1957,  there.  I hadn't seen Mahlon in about two years.  He came down from his home in Oregon and regaled his table the entire evening.  John "Buzzy" Ullom, Donna and Gail Andress, Mary Carmichael Cashman and Senator Richard Bryan were all there.

Rollie Gibbs was the master of the ceremonies.  The current Wildcat Band made a rousing entrance and led the audience in the fight song as well as the alma mater.  Cork Proctor, class of 1954, had the crowd laughing and howling.

By the time the evening was wrapping up, everyone was talking about next year's party.  Bottom line, we can't wait!



Photos courtesy of Dave Williams, webmaster for the Las Vegas High School Alumni Association.

Go Wildcats!

Posted on Monday, September 14, 2009 at 1:56PM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn in , , | CommentsPost a Comment