Entries from August 30, 2009 - September 5, 2009

Did You Miss a Great Evening of History?

If you weren't at "Untold Stories" last night, you did!

Last night's panel was terrific.  Dr. Liz Warren gave us an overview of  early mining in Southern Nevada that stretched back to the Anasazi.  Donn Blake walked us through a typical day in the life of a hard rock miner, the difference between a miner and a prospector and even brought his prospecting bag filled with tools and essentials and explained why you needed such things.  Tony Werly gave us the history of the famed Techaticcup Mine and how he and his wife, Bobbi, bought the mine and discovered the opening of the old tunnel that had been buried for over 100 years.

We also heard about deserters from the Army, murders, massacres, Mouse, Queho and a brief railroad history.

"Untold Stories" is the only series that every month (except January) brings you in contact with the living history of Southern Nevada.  Each month we focus on a different historic topic and have a panel that includes historians as well as the men and women who witnessed history first hand.

Next month on October 1st, we will be looking at the famed Moulin Rouge hotel, the first integrated hotel and casino in Las Vegas.

On November 5th, we will be talking about Howard Hughes in Las Vegas and focusing on his time here before he came here in 1966 and went on a buying spree.

And in December, we will have a fun night talking about the Las Vegas You Don't Know.

It's the first Thursday of each month at the Las Vegas Springs Preserve.  We bring history to life in relaxed atmosphere of fun and learning.

Beginning next month, the price for tickets for "Untold Stories" will be lowered to $9 for non-members and $7 for Springs members.  So for less than $10 you get history, memories and invaluable information that you can't find anywhere else.  Save money by buying a three month pass!

So, what are you waiting for?  Come join us!  You'll have fun and you'll learn first hand about the 20th Century History of Southern Nevada!


and click on Events Calendar.

If you missed me on KNPR with John L. Smith yesterday morning, you can listen to the interview here:


scroll down to Postcard History and click on Listen or download the MP3.

Let me know what you think!


My KNPR Interview with John L Smith

I'm going to be on K-NPR tomorrow morning (Thursday) at 10:00 am with John L. Smith as part of the "State of Nevada" series. 

I'll be talking about Las Vegas history with John L. as well as the inspiration behind my work (special shout-out to my hubby, Jon), growing up in Las Vegas as well as "Untold Stories" at the Springs Preserve, our upcoming "Beyond the Mint: The Mid-Century Modern Architecture of Walter Zick" program and finally, the book, "Las Vegas: 1905- 1965" so tune in as John L Smith and talk about things near and dear to our hearts!

Untold Stories - Celebrating Three Years of History!

Next Thursday evening our discussion on "Mining in Southern Nevada" will also be our third anniversary of "Untold Stories" at the Springs Preserve.

Each month, we focus on a different topic about Las Vegas in the 20th Century and I put together a panel of long-time residents and historians to can bring insight and memories about the subject.

When I first began this venture with the Springs Preserve, I was doing similar programming regularly at the Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas and the Clark County Museum in Henderson.

Now due to budget cuts and dwindling budgets it is harder to do that type of programming at the museums.  But to its credit, the Springs Preserve has not waivered in its support of "Untold Stories".

Marcel Parent and the educational staff at the Springs understand how important this series is.  No where else in Southern Nevada can you go each month to hear old-timers talk about the history they witnessed and the history they made.

Over the last three years we have covered a wide range of popular topics like the history of Fremont Street and the Early Strip as well as "The MGM Grand Fire", "Above Ground Atomic Testing", "The Mob and Las Vegas", "World War II and Las Vegas" "Growing up in Early Las Vegas".

We have a dedicated group of participants that come out each month to hear the speakers and participate in the discussion.  Some are residents that have lived here for many, many years and some are relative newcomers interested in learning more about the new place they call home.

Regardless of how long you have lived in Las Vegas, we invite you to join us the first Thursday of each month (dark in January) to explore both the well-known history of our town as well as the lesser-known.  Our speakers love to share their stories and their memories.

Major thanks to the Springs Preserve and Nevada Humanities for providing the funding that keeps this living history series going.

I am thrilled to be celebrating our third anniversary together and look forward to more wonderful years of bringing history alive with "Untold Stories".

This Thursday we are focusing on "Mining in Southern Nevada".  Long before the casinos, miners came to the Las Vegas Valley seeking their fame and fortune.  From El Dorado Canyon to Goodsprings to Mt. Potosi, some struck it rich and others eeked out a meager existence.

Join us along with:

Tony Werly, current owner and historian of the famed Techatticup Mine in El Dorado Canyon.  Tony offers daily tours of the mine and has a small museum that includes pictures of steamships on the Colorado River.

Don Blake, local historian with a focus on the mining in Goodsprings.

Dr. Elizabeth Warren, local historian with a focus on mining in the Valley.

In the months ahead we will be focusing on:

October 1st :  The History of the Moulin Rouge

November 5th:  Howard Hughes and Las Vegas

Decemeber 3rd:  The Las Vegas You Don't Know

So, make a habit of joining us the first Thursday of every month and support this wonderful series.

Thursday, Sept. 3rd

Las Vegas Springs Preserve

Desert Learning Center

6:30 pm

Admission $12

Techatticup Mine


Posted on Sunday, August 30, 2009 at 11:41AM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn in , , , | CommentsPost a Comment