Entries from May 3, 2009 - May 9, 2009
Cultural and History Fair Today Only!!!!
We encourage everyone to come out to the Springs Preserve tomorrow and join in the fun of the annual Cultural and History Fair.
There will be booths (indoors!!!!) with staff and volunteers from the various Archaeology, Historic Preservation and other cultural groups around the Valley. We have displays, hands on exhibits and fun for the whole family.
In addition there will be performing arts and visual arts groups from around the Valley as well as the Las Vegas Pauite Dancers.
So, here's the schedule:
Culture & History Fair: Making an IMPACT
Exhibitors include:
Exhibit Hall A (Desert Living Center, Rooms A and B (lower level))
- Las Vegas Little Theatre
- Nevada Ballet Theatre
- Liberace Foundation and Museum
- Friends of Classic Las Vegas
- Lost City Museum
- Nevada Archaeology Association
- SWCA Environmental Consultants
- Springs Preserve Archaeology
- City of Las Vegas Historic Preservation Commission
- City of Las Vegas Office of Cultural Affairs
- Atomic Testing Museum
- Lied Discovery Children's Museum
- Las Vegas Gamble-Aires
- Celebrity City Chorus
- CSN Performing Arts Center
- UNLV Department of Music
- Thai Cultural Art Association of Las Vegas
- HRA, Inc.
- Nevada Rock Art Foundation
- Preserve Nevada
- UNLV Performing Arts Center
Courtyard (outside Exhibit Hall A)
- Nevada State Parks
- Springs Preserve Education Activities
Exhibit Hall B (Rotunda Galleries A and B)
- Goodsprings Historical Society
- Morelli House
- Goldwell Open Air Museum
- Clark Country Museum System
- Cultural Site Stewardship Program
- City of Henderson Department of Cultural Arts and Tourism
- Metro Arts Council
- Archeo-Nevada Society
- UNLV Department of Anthropology - Anthropology Society
- Nevada Humanities
- Southern Nevada Agency Partnership
- Native American Community Services
- Las Vegas Master Singers
- Nellis Air Force Base
- Friends of Gold Butte
- Protectors of Tule Springs
- Nevada School of the Arts
- Las Vegas Youth Orchestras
- Foundation to Assist Young Musicians
- Nevada Department of Cultural Affairs
- Las Vegas Paiute Tribe
- Super Summer Theatre
- Southern Nevada Living History Association
Entertainment Schedule
10 – 10:30 a.m. Las Vegas Paiute Tribe
10:35 – 11:05 a.m. Los Matachines Dancers
11:10 – 11:30 a.m. Celebrity City Chorus
11:35 a.m. – 12:05 p.m. Las Vegas Paiute Tribe
12:10 – 12:30 p.m. Southern Nevada Living History Association
12:35 – 12:55 p.m. Las Vegas Gamble-Aires Chorus
1 – 1:30 p.m. Los Matachines Dancers
1:30 – 2 p.m. Las Vegas Paiute Tribe
Library Patio
10-10:30 a.m. Celebrity City Chorus – DeLux Quartet
11 a.m. – noon Las Vegas Youth Orchestra – Youth Philharmonic Chamber
Courtyard (between Dialogue Center and Rotunda)
11:30 a.m. – noon Celebrity City Chorus – Ooh La La Quartet
1:30 – 2 p.m. Celebrity City Chorus - GloryGals Quartet
Orientation Plaza
10 – 10:30 a.m. Celebrity City Chorus
Springs Cafe by Wolfgang Puck
10 – 10:30 a.m. Amici della Musica
11 – 11:30 a.m. Las Vegas Gamble-Aires Barbershop Quartet
11:30 a.m. – noon Nevada School of the Arts
Noon – 12:30 p.m. Celebrity City Chorus – Bewitched Quartet
12:30 – 1 p.m. Nevada School of the Arts
1 – 1:30 p.m. Celebrity City Chorus – Vegas Sound Quartet
1:30 – 2 p.m. Las Vegas Gamble-Aires Barbershop Quartet
Don't forget the famed Morelli House (Eighth and Bridger) is open later in the afternoon from 3;00 - 6:00.
Tours and Refreshments!
Hope to see you there!

Las Vegas: 1905-1965 Booksigning Friday Nite
Our friends at the Nevada State Museum will be hosting a book signing for my new book, Las Vegas in Postcards: 1905-1965 on Friday evening, May 8th.
My co-authors Carey Burke will be there and there is the possibility that Allen Sandquist will be joining us as well.
The book-signing reception begins at 5:30 pm
At 6:30 that evening, Dennis McBride will moderate a talk with us on how the book came about.
We hope you will join us for a fun-filled evening!
Friday, May 8th
Nevada State Museum
700 Twin Lakes Dr
Lorenzi Park
5:30 pm Booksigning/Reception
6:30 pm Discussion

Cultural Tourism, Does it work in Las Vegas?
In light of the Moulin Rouge fire yesterday and in support of Historic Preservation Month, TONIGHT we are taking a slight break from discussing Las Vegas History with Untold Stories. May is Historical Preservation Month in Nevada and we are taking that opportunity to turn the spotlight on Cultural Tourism.
We will be talking about what is Cultural Tourism, what role does it currently play in Las Vegas, how can that role be expanded and how can it be marketed not only to tourists but more importantly the local population to help increase the role that history does play, every day throughout the Las Vegas Valley.
Our panelists include:
Brian Paco Alvarez - local historian and curator of the Las Vegas News Bureau
Marilyn Gillespie, Executive Director, Natural History Museum
Aaron Micallef - curator at the Las Vegas Springs Preserve
Courtney Mooney - local historian and the Preservation Officer for the City of Las Vegas
Remember- Untold Stories now starts at 6:30 pm.
Thursday, May 7th
6:30 pm
Las Vegas Springs Preserve
Desert Learning Center
Admission is $12
We hope to see you there!
Moulin Rouge Existing Buildings Demolished
Historic Moulin Rouge on fire as we type this. Image courtesy of the Las Vegas Review Journal.
Latest Update:
The historic Moulin Rouge hotel and casino, destroyed by fire today, is already being torn down, a Las Vegas city spokesman said late this afternoon.
The cause of the fire is undetermined, said Jace Radke, spokesman for the city of Las Vegas.
"But it's a total loss," Radke said, referring to the 54-year-old landmark in the western Las Vegas Valley.
Las Vegas Fire Department investigators will begin a thorough examination of the smoldering ruins as soon as the building is safe, he said.
Bulldozers began this afternoon tearing down two-story apartments that had burned near the front of the hotel property, Radke said.
Firefighters from three area fire departments battled a four-alarm blaze for more than two hours at the historic Moulin Rouge hotel and casino.
UPDATE 3:20 pm:
After two hours of battling the fire at the historic Moulin Rouge property, firefighters have contained the blaze. The alarm was sounded at 11:45 am and fire stations from the area responded. The City of Las Vegas requested additional squads from the City of North Las Vegas and Clark County to help battle the four alarmer when nearby occupied apartment buildings were threatend.
No injuries were reported and firefighters did not find any one in the structure.
The four alarm fire was called not because of the intensity of the blaze but to help contain the fire from spreading past the historic property. There are low-rent apartments in the adjoining area of the property on Bonanza Road.
From Mary Manning at the Las Vegas Sun:
"It's a hot day, and they need to rotate crews through there," Jace Radke, official fire spokesman, said.
Sixteen engines from the three fire departments responded to the fire, Radke said.
The fire occurred in part of the hotel that had been converted to apartment units, but was currently unoccupied.
From the Las Vegas Review Journal:
"Joyce Sheets, who works at Nevada Restaurant Services across the street from the Moulin Rogue, said she called 911 when colleagues came to her and said they saw smoke and a window explode from a building on the property.
Sheets said she was initially concerned firefighters might struggle to put out the blaze.
“There was lots of black smoke,” she said. “We were not that far away.”
Cause of the suspicious fire is still under investigation.
Good thing they moved the wonderful neon sign last week. Wasn't a moment too soon as the Moulin Rouge is burning as we speak. According to Channel 13, the only local station with live coverage at the moment, it is a four alarm fire with many different stations responding.
The cause of the fire is still undetermined as firefighters continue to battle and try to contain the blaze. It does appear from the news coverage that the main building wall where the sign was once perched is gone.
According to Mary Manning at the Las Vegas Sun, an abandoned apartment building behind the main building is also threatened.
An arson fire destroyed much of the main building and the complex in May of 2003.
The building was added to the Historic Registry in 1992. It closed for business in 1997. Preservation efforts were made over the next six years until the 2003 blaze destroyed the main building. All that remained from that fire was the outer wall of the main building and Betty Willis' beautiful script sign.
The sign was moved to the Boneyard late last week.
From Mary Manning:
Although the Moulin Rouge had its heydey in the first year of operation, its historical significance in Las Vegas and to America's civil rights movement remains indelible, Las Vegas historians noted.
David Milman, a historian at the Nevada State Museum and Historical Society at Lorenzi Park, said the Moulin Rouge's importance was as "a beacon of initegration. Its lasting legacy was not the actual hotel, but rather the idea. Its existence guaranteed that things were going to change in racial policies in Las Vegas."
Once the Moulin Rouge was shuttered in 1997, the resort's 110 rooms were converted into low-rent apartment housing. The hotel is located in what has long been one of Las Vegas' poorest areas.
In the 1950s conditions were so bad in West Las Vegas some houses were mere shacks with no water, sewage system or electricity. Laws of the time prohibited blacks from living anywhere else in town.
The Moulin Rouge was the only hotel and casino in Las Vegas that allowed black patrons.
The resort was built for $7 million by Beverly Hills, Calif., real estate entrepreneur Alex Bisno and New York restaurateur Louis Rubin.
In March 1960 the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and community leaders met at the Moulin Rouge to broker a deal with white casino owners to end segregation practices on the Las Vegas Strip.
Courtesy of the Las Vegas Sun
Moulin Rouge in 1955
Life Magazine cover 1955, photo by Don English
Postcard of the historic Moulin Rouge with Betty's signage
Showgirls at the Moulin Rouge in 1955 include Anna Bailey and Dedee Jasmine
Interior pylon with ceramic tile now gone
Another interior pylon with light fixtures in the background, now gone
Interior pictures courtesy of Jack LeVine and VeryVintageVegas

Joel Rosales of LeavingLV.net is reporting that the remaining wing of the original building is gone as well. Joel was in that wing a few weeks back taking pictures and says that some of the lighting fixtures and decor were still there. They are gone now.

Untold Stories- Cultural Tourism: Can It Work in Las Vegas?- Thursday evening
On Thursday, May 7th, we are taking a slight break from discussing Las Vegas History with Untold Stories. May is Historical Preservation Month in Nevada and we are taking that opportunity to turn the spotlight on Cultural Tourism.
We will be talking about what is Cultural Tourism, what role does it currently play in Las Vegas, how can that role be expanded and how can it be marketed not only to tourists but more importantly the local population to help increase the role that history does play, every day throughout the Las Vegas Valley.
Our panelists include:
Brian Paco Alvarez - local historian and curator of the Las Vegas News Bureau
Marilyn Gillespie, Executive Director, Natural History Museum
Aaron Micallef - curator at the Las Vegas Springs Preserve
Courtney Mooney - local historian and the Preservation Officer for the City of Las Vegas
Remember- Untold Stories now starts at 6:30 pm.
Thursday, May 7th
6:30 pm
Las Vegas Springs Preserve
Desert Learning Center
Admission is $12
We hope to see you there!