Entries from March 8, 2009 - March 14, 2009

Las Vegas News Bureau Opens the Vaults!

From the Los Angeles Times:

Sammy Davis, Jr and Loray White celebrate following their marriage in 1958

In a city that's always on the go, there's never a lack of photo opportunities. For more than 60 years, photographers from the Las Vegas News Bureau have been capturing every conceivably newsworthy activity -- as diverse as the atomic bomb and Elton John -- to both document and publicize this ever-evolving city. They've probably shot a million pictures, maybe more.

"We're guesstimating," says Lisa Jacob, senior manager of the news bureau, an arm of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority. "The more drawers we open, the more we find."

As curator Brian Alvarez, hired two years ago to archive the images, continues sorting them, he's stumbling across pictures nobody remembered. One such image shows President Kennedy visiting troops at the Nevada Test Site, about 65 miles northwest of Vegas, where atomic bombs were detonated during the 1950s and '60s.

Where to see 'From the Vault'


March 31-May 19: Whitney Library

June 2-July 28: Enterprise Library

Aug. 4-Oct. 11: Clark County Library

Oct. 13-Nov. 30: Centennial Hills Library

Dec. 1-Jan. 12: West Charleston Library

For library hours and locations, visit www.lvccld.org.

Deciding that the photos have been hidden far too long, Alvarez and Jacob are putting a sampling on public display. An exhibit, "From the Vault," will tour local libraries for nine months beginning March 31.

Of course, the showbiz legends that have played the showrooms of Sin City -- Elvis, Liberace and Sinatra, among them -- are well represented. But the show also depicts marketers' early efforts to promote Las Vegas as a tourist destination.

There's a curious photo of a guy dubbed "Mr. Atomic Bomb," who's naked except for a mushroom cloud made of cotton. The picture was part of a campaign to encourage visitors to come and watch the huge explosions. In another picture, two average tourists are shown having fun along Fremont Street in 1953.

"It's an adventure every time we go up to the vault," Jacob says. She adds that, as more hidden treasures are revealed, additional public displays of the photographs will be discussed.


Helldorado Days in the 1950s when the parade rivaled the Rose Parade for attendance and floats


Elmo Ellsworth and Dee Dee Lees, two out-town visitors, on Fremont Street in 1953


Special thanks to Brian "Paco" Alvarez and the Las Vegas News Bureau for permission to use these photos.


"Las Vegas in Postcards" in Bookstores Now!

I was on K-DWN radio yesterday morning promoting my new book, "Las Vegas in Postcards: 1905-1965".

As many of you know, Carey Burke, Allen Sandquist and I spent a long time working on this book last year and our hardwork paid off.  The book looks great.  It is filled with historic postcards that depict the real history of Las Vegas and focus not only on the well-known iconic side of Las Vegas but also the little known residential history of the town.

We owe a big debt of thanks to Dennis McBride, the Curator of History, at the Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas for letting us use some early postcards from their collection.  Mostly, the postcards came from Carey and Allen's extensive collections.  Many are rare and rarely seen postcards.

So, if you want to know about the Roadside Architecture of Las Vegas, the gaming, the neighborhood churches and schools,  real history of the motels (some of which still exist on East Fremont Street) as well as the real history of the buildings and businesses on Fremont Street and the Strip, then be sure t to get a copy of this book.

On Friday evening, May 8th, Carey Burke and I will be doing a book-signing and program (moderated by Dennis McBride) at the Nevada State Museum.  Stay tuned for more details as that date draws closer.

Also, we are preparing a companion video to go with the book.  Both the companion video and autographed copies of the book will be available for sale here in the weeks to come.  So, keep an eye out here for more details!

Of course, if you find you just can't wait, the book is available in most local to Las Vegas Barnes and Noble and Borders bookstores.  You can also buy copies of the book at the Gift Shop in the Nevada State Museum.

LasVegasLynn to be a Fan Programmer next month on TCM

I wanted to let everyone know that not only is my favorite channel, Turner Classic Movies, going to be celebrating it's 15th Anniversary next month but as part of the celebration, I was chosen to be one of the Fan Programmers.

What's a Fan Programmer?  Very similar to a Guest Programmer.  They chose 15 fans of TCM to come to Atlanta and each evening beginning April 13th, we each will introduce one of our favorite movies with the dashing and debanoir host of the channel, Robert Osborne.

All this took place in November last year so in the days ahead I will be talking about that trip (and answering any questions you might have) in addition to all the great Las Vegas history we write about here.

So, be sure to circle April 15th on your calendars and get your taxes mailed early in the day so you can watch me talk about "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon" on TCM.


Posted on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 7:07PM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn | Comments1 Comment

Morelli and His Music 


Morelli & His Music
Join us for a night of music and discussion about Antonio
Morelli—the famed Sands Copa Room orchestra leader in
the '50's and 60’s who played with entertainers including
Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Nat King
Cole and Jimmy Durante.

* April 2, 2009 at 7:00 PM * Las Vegas Academy Auditorium *
* at the Corner of 9th Street and Clark Street *
Pete Barbutti, emcee, will take the audience back to Showroom
Era Las Vegas as Claytee White of the UNLV Oral History
Research Center moderates a panel discussion of original
Morelli Orchestra members who will explore their impressions of
Morelli and their recollections of specific events at the Copa


In addition, guests will be treated to special musical selections from Morelli’s repertoire performed by the Las Vegas Academy High School Jazz Band under the direction of Patrick Bowen featuring solos by our veteran musicians.

Following the program, a reception and
tours will be held at the historic Morelli House located at 861 E. Bridger Avenue.
Open to the public, admission is free, but reservations are required to
jrleagueoflv@aol.com or 702-822-6536

The following co-sponsors are donating their talents and resources to produce or promote the program:
This program has been made possible in part by
Nevada Humanities
* UNLV Arnold Shaw Popular Music Research Center 

*UNLV Oral History Research Center


Posted on Monday, March 9, 2009 at 7:38PM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn | CommentsPost a Comment