Entries in publisher (1)
Big Changes at the Review-Journal
The Las Vegas Review-Journal, the Valley's largest newspaper, has announced that effective immediately Sherman Frederick, the publisher of the paper, and Thomas Mitchell, the editor of the paper, have both resigned from their positions. General Manager Allan Fleming was let go when his position was eliminated in a new restructuring of the news room.
Frederick and Mitchell were both very vocal and used the paper in their campaign to support Sharon Angle in her bid for Harry Reid's senate seat. Speculation is rampant that the changes at the RJ are in some ways because of their virulent support.
Frederick, who has undergone prostrate and by-pass surgery the last few months, will be a consultant and columnist for Stephens Press, the Arkansas media company that owns the RJ.
Frederick was also replaced as CEO of Stephens Media Group. Taking that position is Chief Operating Officer Michael Ferguson. Ferguson then promoted Bob Brown, the paper's advertising director, to the position of publisher.
There should be interesting days ahead for the paper.
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