Entries in clark county (1)
Preservation Association of Clark County Annual Meeting
Wanted to let everyone know that PACC is holding their annual meeting next Saturday, Nov. 13th, at the Springs Preserve.
The Ice House, demolished
From Corinne Escobar:
PACC members and friends, the Preservation Association will host its fall meeting at the Springs Preserve on November 13, 2010, Saturday at 11:00 am. We will walk the trail to the Big Springs site guided by Greg Seymour, who was the archaeologist during the construction of the Springs Preserve. The tour is free but please RSVP to me at corinneescobar@pacc.info. I am not sure about the logistics for refreshments but we will see. Anyone wanting to help, Please contact me! Thanks, I look forward to seeing you there, Corinne
Posted on Thursday, November 4, 2010 at 7:24PM
in Cultural Tourism, Current Day, clark county, history, las vegas, preservation
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