Entries in Current Day (366)
Berkley Square needs YOU!
We've written about Berkley Square, the historic neighborhood designed by Paul Revere Williams. Now comes word from Councilman Ricky Barlow that the famed neighborhood needs your help.
We need volunteers to help transform the Historic Berkley Square neighborhood on Saturday, May 28! As part of making Ward 5 clean and green, I?m asking you to bring your friends, your shovels and gloves, and join me as we plant 185 new trees at Berkley Square and then celebrate with a community barbecue.
Groups of adult volunteers are needed to help plant the trees. Volunteers will gather at 7 a.m. at the corner of F Street and Owens Avenue; tree planting is expected to take several hours. Each property fronting the street will receive one 15-gallon tree, while properties with corner lots may receive up to three 15-gallon trees. The project will provide shaded, walkable streets in the community at no cost to individual homeowners. The city of Las Vegas received a grant from the Nevada Division of Forestry to place 185 trees within the historic Berkley Square neighborhood for the purpose of increasing the tree canopy. The project is funded through the 2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act Clark County Urban Forestry Revitalization grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The grant requires that the trees be planted within the planting strip between the street curb and sidewalk. The planting strip is publicly owned but maintained by the adjacent property owner. Residents will be responsible for watering and maintaining the trees.
Please plan to bring your friends and neighbors, and lets work together May 28 to improve the quality of life in this historic Ward 5 neighborhood!

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Got a Moe Dalitz Story?
In his later years he was known for his philantrophy, in his younger years he was a member of Cleveland's Purple Gang, in his mid-years, he was the mob's man in Las Vegas. When Wilbur Clark fell into financial problems with the Desert Inn, Moe helped him out and, in doing so, got controlling interest in the hotel.
When Tony Cornero ran into financial problems while building the Stardust, Moe was there, all to happy to help out. When Cornero took his gambling jones too far at a craps table one evening and dropped dead, Moe and company saw their chance to take control.
Moe was the go-to man throughout the history of the Las Vegas Strip in the Classic Las Vegas era.
He saw a chance to cash out with a bundle when Howard Hughes told Robert Maheu to go tell Moe that Hughes wasn't leaving the Desert Inn penthouse in time for the New Year's celebration of 1966. Moe said he had to go. When push came to shove, Hughes bought the hotel and Moe was, in the end, financially, a happy, happy man.
He was always philanthropic, like many of the old casino operators were. They knew that giving back to the community was a way to keep that target off their back. He helped build Sunrise Hospital. He worked with Irwin Molasky to build the Boulevard Mall and Paradise Palms. Over the years, he burnished that philanthropic halo as much as he could.
If you knew Moe or have stories about Moe, John L. Smith at the Las Vegas Review-Journal wants to hear from you. He is helping gather stories about Moe because Moe's daughter, Suzanne Dalitz- a journalist in her own right, is writing a book.
So, if you knew Moe or have stories about Moe, contact John L. here.

Dick Taylor has died
He came to Las Vegas to help get the Hacienda off the ground. As its first General Manager, he helped put the struggling casino on the map and became good friends (and right hand man) to owner, Warren "Doc" Bailey.
He loved Las Vegas and became a historian who kept the history of the Hacienda, Bailey, the Moulin Rouge and much more alive.
Thanks to Doc's vision, the homes in Mt. Charleston became a reality over fifty years ago. Dick was one of its first residents and became its official historian.
He was one of the first people we interviewed as part of the "Classic Las Vegas" Archive Project and his interview is available on DVD at the Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas. We did the video oral history at his mid-century modern home adjacent to Rancho Bel-Air. He had a palm tree shaped like a tiki god in his front yard. As I drove up to his drive-way, I knew we would be good friends.
Over the years, I have gotten used to every few months getting a letter with clippings, pictures and more from Dick, all related to Las Vegas history.
When I was doing the "Untold Stories" series at the Springs Preserve, Dick was a frequent guest (driving down from the mountain) and an occasional speaker. I will always be grateful.
He was a passionate about Las Vegas history and his lady friend, Terry.
Word came just few minutes ago that Dick Taylor passed away in his sleep last evening.
Rest in peace, good friend. I will always be thankful for your friendship and for the history you fought so hard to preserve.
God speed.