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What are your memories of growing up in Las Vegas?



I grew up in Las Vegas during the 1960s and some of the 1970s, when the city was smaller and the population was much smaller. We lived at a various times, in three distinctly different parts of town.

We originally lived on Magnet Street in North Town, just off Las Vegas Blvd. North. There was an Arctic Circle drive-in across the highway that featured cold drinks, ice cream and hamburgers. We were not to cross the Blvd. without an adult.

There was a Wimpy's nearby and a small motor lodge motel. I went to Quannah S. McCall grade school with the owners' daughter.

Wimpy's in 2010

Wimpy's in 2010


I remember the stricken look on my teacher's face as she announced that President John Kennedy had been shot and killed in Dallas and we were all to go home right away.

In 1963 we moved on up to Charleston Heights which at that time, to a youngster, seemed like traveling to the far side of the moon.

There was an air-raid signal atop my elementary school, Rose Warren, in Charleston Heights. We were for years, the last house on Bristol Way and beyond us, it was desert all the way to the Calico Basin with a couple of bars and maybe a gas station or two in between. There was no Charleston Rainbow housing development back then, we were the end of the line.

The rest of the story is here:

It's all up on the new blog at ClassicLasVegasblog.com

Be sure to share your memories with us!

Posted on Saturday, October 18, 2014 at 5:40PM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn | CommentsPost a Comment

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