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St. Thomas to be closed weekdays for a month

St. Thomas, the little farming community that was swallowed up when the water behind the dam began filling up Lake Mead in the mid-1930s and then came back into view seventy years later due to the drought crippling the Southwest and bringing Lake Mead to historic low water levels, is going to be closed during the week for the next month.

The National Park Service needs to remove tamarisk whose roots are endangering the fragile foundations of various buildings around the town site.  Tamarisk is not native to the region and is also known as salt cedar.

An archaeologist will oversee the project.

The town site and access road will be open on weekends.

Happy Trails!


Posted on Friday, January 7, 2011 at 7:15PM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn | Comments2 Comments

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Reader Comments (2)

I sure did enjoy going out there!
January 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAllen
I did too!
January 8, 2011 | Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn

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