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Details coming in the Morning!

Details for the second annual FCLV's Mid-Century Modern celebration will be posted in the morning!


In the meantime, we are mourning the passing of one of our dearest interviewees, George Foley, Sr.  When we sat down to interview George a few years back, he regaled us almost two hours with his stories of being a bellhop and a valet, of bring beer to Pearl Bailey and then sitting with her and drinking them, of his life as a lawyer and most of all, of growing up in Las Vegas before World War II.

George passed away a few days ago at the age of 88.  He leaves behind family and friends who will always remember him.

We will, too.

Posted on Saturday, October 2, 2010 at 5:20PM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn | CommentsPost a Comment

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