Friends of Classic Las Vegas Annual Holiday Party
The Annual Friends of Classic Las Vegas Holiday Party will be held on Sunday, Dec. 6th.
The General Meeting begins at 3:00 pm and includes a wonderful Holiday buffet.
Also, as part of the festivities, long-time resident and former manager of the Las Vegas News Bureau, Don Payne, will be joining us to give a talk on the history of Las Vegas. Don was manager of the News Bureau in its hey-day and worked with photographers like Don English.
This should be a wonderful way to kick off the holidays. We hope you will join us whether you are a member, a friend of a member or looking for a reason to join, we hope you will come celebrate the season with us, give thanks for all the good works we have accomplished this year and throw in with us to help us accomplish more good works in the coming year.
Feel free to email me at for the address!
We hope to see you there!

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