Las Vegas: A Pictorial Look Back
We apologize for being gone so much the last couple of weeks. The knee surgery from June took longer to heal up then originally anticipated. To say thank you for your patience and kind thoughts, I'd thought I'd share some photos of things that aren't there anymore, Las Vegas-style:
This is Fremont Street circa the early 1930s. The train depot is at the end of the street. The Las Vegas Pharmacy is on the right-hand side about half way down (the castle like structure). Retail businesses like the Sweet Shoppe, restaurants and other business are the focal point for the small community. Professionals such as doctors and lawyers offices are located on the second floor of many of the buildings. The various gambling halls have yet to arrive.
The Hotel Last Frontier along Highway 91 (the highway to and from Los Angeles) with the pool out front so that passing motorists could see the cool, blue water and bathing beauties. On a hot summer day in those years before air-conditioning was standard in cars, sites like this probably looked very refreshing to weary travelers.
A bevy of beauties. The original hotels on the Las Vegas Strip all had chorus lines of young, beautiful dancers like this.
Downtown circa the early 1960s. The Las Vegas Pharmacy has been replaced by the Silver Palace, Vegas Vic's arm still goes back and forth and he still talks and the beautiful Mint Hotel shoots neon into the heavens every night. Downtown has become "Glitter Gulch".
Special Thanks to the Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas for letting us use these images.

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