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Las Vegas 5th Street School Dedication

This is the old 5th Street School on Las Vegas Blvd at Lewis.  I went to Kindergarten here.  In the right hand corner of the picture you can see a rounded room with windows.  That was the Kindergarten Room.  My mother enrolled me in September 1962 and Miss Tucker was the teacher.  She was almost 6 feet tall and thin as a rail.  She was likely what they called an old maid back then but I didn't care.  I thought she was wonderful.  She taught us more than just our ABCs, she taught us to ask questions, to read and to have fun.  Every day there were cookies and milk and nap time with our little pieces of carpet.  In May, we got to dress up in western wear for the Helldorado celebration.

This was actually the third Grammar school.  The first two burned.  The first one was built in 1908 and burned in 1910.  The cornerstone for the second (at this location) was laid in 1910 and the school opened in 1911.  Students from around the Valley were invited to attend.  Those who lived outside of town boarded with local families for the school year.  The second school burned down in 1935 and this school was built.

It remained a school until the late 1960s when the school was closed and the space was used as government offices and a Metro substation.

However, today it is undergoing a $13.4 million dollar restoration by the City of Las Vegas.  From Uncle Jack at www.veryvintagevegas.com:

More than $13.4 million in funding for this building’s transformation was provided by the Redevelopment Agency.

Billed as a “cultural oasis” in the midst of downtown Las Vegas’ office and legal corridors, the revitalized building will be home to an assortment of local arts and architectural organizations. The primary tenants are the University of Nevada Las Vegas Fine Arts Program, including the Downtown Design Center for the School of Architecture; the Nevada School of the Arts (a music education organization); the American Institute of Architects; and the city of Las Vegas Cultural Affairs Division.

Many of the common areas of the Historic Fifth Street School will be available for public or private functions. These areas include a multi-purpose performance area/auditorium capable of accommodating up to 400 people, a gallery space for exhibitions and smaller meetings able to hold up to 200 people and a 30-person conference room. In addition, there will also be open courtyards available for outside activities, as well as the 16,000-square-foot Centennial Plaza that can be used for outdoor gatherings.

There is a rededication ceremony on Monday, Sept. 22nd.  Alumni are invited to attend beginning at 4:30 with the dedication ceremony following at 5:30 pm.

I hope to see you there!

Posted on Friday, September 12, 2008 at 9:07PM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn in , , | CommentsPost a Comment

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