Save Pop Squires House
Don't forget, the Las Vegas City Council meets tomorrow to decide the fate of "Pop" Squires house.
Here's the latest information:
Wednesday, November 5 - Approximately 1:00 p.m. - City Council Hearing - 400 Stewart Avenue - First Floor Plaza This is the hearing regarding the "Pop Squires Home", located at 408 7th Street (on the corner of 7th Street and Andre Rochat Avenue), which the owners want to demolish, to make way for yet another "generic" office building.
Probably you already know who C. P."Pop" Squires was, but if not, he and his wife Delphine are a very significant part of Las Vegas history. His first home was on Fremont Street, which at one time had many residential homes, with grassy front yards and trees. It was demolished, when Fremont Street expanded.
Let's not let his second homehave the same dismal ending. We'd like as many people as possible to show up at the City Council hearing (which is Item #124, incidentally, and could be heard anytime from 1:00 p.m. on), and show support for saving the house.
For more information on the Squires and how you can help:

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