Erin Kenny going to jail
Erin Kenny, the corrupt former County Commissioner, was sentenced to 30 months on public corruption charges earlier this morning.
Prosecutors, whom Kenny had worked with by providing evidence against her former Commissioners: Dario Herrara, Lance Malone and Mary Kincaid-Chauncey (all doing longer jail sentences than Kenny) as well as Mike Galardi and Donald Davidson, had asked the court to sentence Kenny to 24 months.
US District Judge Kent Lawson imposed the 30 month jail term.
Stay tuned later today for more updates!
Kenny has also been fined $129,000. She will have to report to prison in 60 days.

Erin Kenny will report to prison on Sept. 18th.
How do you feel about her serving 2.5 years? Enough time or did she deserve more?
The jury in the Davidson trial did NOT find her a credible witness, did you?

Looks like Erin Kenny won't be going to the prison in Victorville (a three hour drive from Vegas) after all. Due to the slow turning wheels of Justice, she has been given an extra month to get her suitcase packed for a prison in Phoenix ( a five hour, at least, drive from Vegas). Two of Kenny's children have returned home from college in Southern California to help their father raise the remaining children still at home.
Kenny had hoped to go to Victorville where it would be more convenient for her family to visit. Victorville is where Mary Kincaid Chauncey is serving her term. But alas, the Justice Department thinks the prison in Phoenix is better suited for Kenny.
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