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Benny Binion is probably not happy

It's been announced that MTR Gaming Group, which took over Binion’s in 2004 from Harrah's Entertainment who kept the name Horseshoe, is selling the 55-year-old downtown casino to TLC Casino Enterprises for $32 million in cash. TLC also owns the Four Queens downtown. The deal has to close by the end of the year (though TLC can request a six-month extension).  It needs the approval of the Gaming Regulators and the City of Las Vegas.

I think Benny is spinning in his grave.  How about you? 

For more on the history of Binions and the Horseshoe click here 


Posted on Wednesday, June 27, 2007 at 11:43PM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn in | Comments2 Comments

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Reader Comments (2)

When Becky and her husband took over and kicked out Jack, that was the beginning of the end. They ran that place into the ground and it's never recovered. I have fond memories of Binion's Horseshoe but it's just not the same anymore.
June 28, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRob-L
I disagree. I think Benny would be as happy as a pig in pudding.

The place is a holy mess. Benny’s daughter ran the business straight into the ground. Harrah’s, circling like a vulture, swooped down and picked it clean (these are metaphors) and the old gambling hall has been floundering ever since.

Since the current owners are clearly out of their element – why not give the people responsible for renovating and upgrading the Four Queens an opportunity to salvage whatever dignity is left in this venerable Vegas institution?

It’s worth a shot.

And if they fail, fine. Tear it down and put up another Starbucks.
July 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDXElliott

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