Entries in Untold Stories (23)

History of Helldorado





We are thrilled to announce that we have another upcoming panel on the History of Helldorado.  If you are new to town and wonder why there is a Helldorado Celebration (which is coming on May 17th) or if you remember fondly sitting on the curb on Fremont Street watching those beautiful floats go by, come on around and here the stories of how and why Helldorado got started and what it was like. 

At one point in the 1950s, it rivaled the Rose Parade in terms of attendance and beautiful floats.

A great evening of history and fun that you won't want to miss!


The History of Helldorado

Tuesday, May 13th

Clark County Museum

1830 S. Boulder Highway 

7:00 PM   (Please note new START TIME)

Panelists include:

Emmett Sullivan, the son of co-founder Mark Sullivan

Tim Cashman, the grandson of co-founder, Big Jim Cashman

Don Payne, former Manager of the Las Vegas News Bureau

Thank you to the Las Vegas News Bureau for helping to Sponsor this event! 

We hope to see you there! 


Revisiting St. Thomas



St. Thomas was a thriving farming community in the Moapa Valley.  But, when Boulder (Hoover) Dam was finished, Lake Mead began to rise behind the Dam.

The community of St. Thomas had to be abandoned.  Its citizens packed up their belongings and left for the territory ahead.

Left behind were the buildings, fixtures, wells and the reminders of a once-proud Mormon community.  As the Lake rose, St. Thomas faded from view and from memory.

But as the drought continues and the Lake gets lower and lower, St. Thomas has risen from its watery grave.  The crumbling buildings once again back in the hot sun and eerily reminds us of our past.

On Thursday, April 3rd, Untold Stories will look back at the history of St. Thomas and the history of the ruins.

Untold Stories:  Revisiting St. Thomas 

Panelists will include:

Eva Jensen, curator and historian for the Lost City Museum in Overton

Dennis McBride, curator and historian for the Nevada State Museum

Dr. Michael Green, professor of history, College of Southern Nevada


Thursday, April 3rd 

7:00 pm

Las Vegas Springs Preserve

Admission $12

For more information on St. Thomas:


Posted on Friday, March 21, 2008 at 11:24AM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn in , | CommentsPost a Comment

Historic Fremont Street

"There was more changes on Fremont Street than anywhere else for quite awhile" 

Carey Burke, 2004 interview 


Our historian, Lynn Zook, will be presenting this month's Untold Stories: Historic Fremont Street this Thursday, March 6th at the Las Vegas Springs Preserve.


The panelists are:

Carey Burke

Brian "Buzz" Leming

Mike Pinjuv


Mike Pinjuv was born in Las Vegas in the 1920s.  Both Carey and Brian came to Las Vegas as youngsters in 1946.  All three have fond memories of Fremont Street.  They watched as the Street evolved from their Main Street to Glitter Gulch to the Fremont Street Experience of today.

Along the way, the cruised Fremont Street, watched Helldorado parades on its curbs, hung out at the hamburger joints and in Brian's case, helped design some of the incredible neon signs that still grace the Street.

Join us this Thursday, March 6th

7:00 pm

The Las Vegas Springs Preserve

Admission is $12 

Posted on Monday, March 3, 2008 at 2:00PM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn in , | CommentsPost a Comment
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