Entries from March 6, 2016 - March 12, 2016
We are getting a make-over
We wanted to let everyone know that we are going to be down for a few weeks.
We are getting a make-over and will be moving permanently to this web address: Classiclasvegasblog.com
We hope you will be patient with us as this modernizing will take a bit of time! In the meantime, stay up to date with us at our Facebook page as well as our Facebook group
We will have new content, a new look and I have been working on a new book that I can't wait to tell you about!
We hope you follow us over!
Same great Classic Las Vegas content, we promise!
In the days ahead, this website will have a different front page so if you want to explore our great content head over to our Classic Las Vegas blog site and be sure to sign up for our RSS feed.
You don't want to miss our big reveal!!!!!
Thank you to everyone who helped make this site so big and popular!
Please come join us!!