Entries from December 6, 2015 - December 12, 2015

Christmas Memories from the Classic Las Vegas era


As the holidays are fast approaching, we thought it would be nice to take a stroll down memory lane and see how Christmas was celebrated back when Las Vegas was a much smaller town, entertainment on the Las Vegas Strip was jumping and jiving and traditions were being made.

How many of these do you remember?

Shopping at Vegas Village was a must! And look, you fill the house with holiday happiness and new furniture!

The hotels got into the holiday spirit:

 Here's the Flamingo from 1954.

And the Sahara from 1954


And the mid-century modern New Frontier from 1957. (Thanks to Joel Rosales for letting us use these images).

Hotel owners also got into the spirit:


You could go to the Convention Center Rotunda (the original Convention Center shaped like a flying saucer) and here famed orchestra leader Antonio Morelli lead a Christmas program:


 Or if you were visiting between Christmas and New Year's Eve in 1963, you could see one of these great acts:



Or if you were a local, you could go downtown to see the Christmas decorations:



Stop in at the Horseshoe for a drink or some of Benny Binion's famous chili:


Or head over to the Green Shack for their famous fried chicken:

And then return to your Huntridge neighborhood to see the decorations:

Happy Holidays!!!!!

Posted on Sunday, December 6, 2015 at 2:26PM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn | CommentsPost a Comment