Entries from May 18, 2014 - May 24, 2014
Preservation Spotlight: Dr. Michael Green, historian
Today's Preservation Spotlight shines on Dr. Michael Green, historian!
We had a great time talking with Dr. Mike about Las Vegas history, especially the Mob!
"But my favorite, I think, is the history of organized crime here. I am very involved with the National Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement (The Mob Museum), and I have learned a lot working on that. It’s a fascinating story that takes into account everything from ethnicity to the power of the state (both the nation-state and the state of Nevada). It’s just a marvelously broad and interesting topic."
Read the entire interview at ClassicLasVegasBlog.com

Preservation Spotlight: Dennis McBride
Today's Preservation Spotlight is on Dennis McBride, Executive Director of the Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas and longtime Las Vegas Valley historian.
I've been good friends with Dennis since we first met over ten years ago. He was one of the main inspirations behind my getting interested in preserving 20th Century Las Vegas history. His oral histories with the men who worked on the building of Boulder/Hoover Dam and the women who helped build Boulder City into more than just a Federal reservation were key to inspiring me. His pioneering work at the Boulder Dam Museum as well as his work in chronicling the history of the Gay and Lesbian movement in the Las Vegas Valley serve as inspirations to us all.
Today, Dennis helps preserve Las Vegas history at the State Museum and has a deep interest in the Photography collection there. Just a few years ago, he cataloged the J. Florian Mitchell collection that includes some wonderful images of mid-century modern Las Vegas.
We sat down with Dennis and talked about preservation and history in Las Vegas:
CLV Blog: How did you become interested in preserving Southern Nevada history?
McBride: Saving things, preserving things, collecting and organizing things is a significant part of my nature. I’ve been doing it since I was a child....
Read the rest of the interview at ClassicLasVegasBlog.com

Breaking News: Las Vegas Commission supports Huntridge Revival!
The Las Vegas Centennial Commission has thrown some major support behind the Huntridge Revival! Late this afternoon the commission voted to support the group.
More details at ClassicLasVegasBlog.com

Preservation Spotlight: Jack LeVine and VeryVintageVegas.com
Jack LeVine aka Uncle Jack of VeryVintageVegas.com Photo courtesy of ViewsonVegas
Today we turn our Preservation Spotlight on the founder of VeryVintageVegas.com, Jack LeVine.
Jack has long been involved in the fight to save the downtown neighborhoods.
Check out his interview at: