Entries from August 4, 2013 - August 10, 2013
Watch this space!
Hello fans of Classic Las Vegas!
We have good news! It is the dog days of summer as they say but we aren't sitting around the pool drinking umbrella drinks!
Nope, we are ugrading this blog to make it mobile phone and tablet friendly. We will have a brand new look and layout but we think you will like it.
You'll still get the same great blog posts about all things Classic Las Vegas and preservation wise (and firework schedules) but now you will be able to take Classic Las Vegas with you where ever you go!
We have just begun the process and think it will take at least week (possibly two) but we hope you will agree that it will be worth it!
We will relaunch with a new look and more goodies we'll tell you about as the re-launch date gets closer.
So, in the meantime, enjoy your time by the pool (we wish we were there!) and keep checking back because we think you are going to like it!!!!