Entries from May 13, 2012 - May 19, 2012

A Tribute to Classic Las Vegas Neon and Yesco

Young Electic Sign Company, better known as YESCO, has been serving the sign needs of Las Vegas over almost 80 years.  Tom Young, the founder, was traveling through Las Vegas in 1933 and talked the owner of the Boulder Club into a new sign utilizing neon.  Thus began a long-running love affair between Las Vegas, neon and YESCO.

Here are some memories:

Vegas Vic being built, courtesy of UNLV Special Collections


Sketch for the neon sign for the original El Rancho Vegas sign, courtesy of UNLV Special Collections


Sketch for the Desert Inn Hotel's neon sign, courtesy of UNLV Special Collections


Sands' sign being built, courtesy of UNLV Special Collections


Flamingo's champagne tower being topped, courtesy of UNLV

The Mint being topped with its star, courtesy of UNLV Special Collections


Yesco workers working on the Aladdin sign, courtesy of UNLV Special Collections


To learn more about  neon signs and their designers be sure to read this entry:


Posted on Sunday, May 13, 2012 at 4:42PM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn | CommentsPost a Comment