Entries from September 19, 2010 - September 25, 2010
More on the Liberace Museum Protest
From Jeffery White event organizer...
Dear Friends of the Liberace Foundation and Museum:
I am writing this to you, asking for your time and support for a worthy cause. We will be staging a Protest demonstration on Wednesday September 22nd from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM. This demonstration will be a peaceful protest to keep the Liberace Museum Open. We will be marching on the sidewalks surrounding the Liberace Museum. This will also help to shine a spotlight on those responsible for its demise.
It is believed that the Liberace Museum has been grossly mismanaged by the past two Museum Presidents under the current watch of the Liberace Foundation Board President Dean, Jeffrey Koep of UNLV.
This Non-Profit organization like any other should be held accountable for any and all mismanagement. Non-Profit Boards have a fiduciary responsibility to the Public, especially when a large monetary trust is concerned.
Las Vegas has been a city that all too often bulldozes its history. Then we complain that our culture is non-existent. We have said good-bye to the Las Vegas Museum of Art and the Guggenheim Museum. The Liberace Museum is a Part of the Las Vegas Culture, as well as Liberace himself being a part of the Las Vegas Cultural fabric. Entertainment has been synonymous with our colorful past. Can we afford to let go of yet another iconic part of Las Vegas history?
Now is the time to show your support and save a legacy that was given to the people of Las Vegas. Given the right leadership, this can be saved.
Please do your part and join us in attending this peaceful demonstration to help prevent yet another Museum loss. Let’s focus on the FUTURE so that the generations to come can also enjoy Mr. Showmanship’s legacy.
In closing….I would like to leave you with the closing remarks from Liberace’s book. “The Wonderful Private World of Liberace”
“What lies ahead should be determined by what we’ve missed in the past. The present should be spent realizing all of our unfulfilled dreams and ambitions…My attitude is that nothing is impossible – it just takes a little longer. Making up for lost time is the best motivation of all in planning for the future”
I’ll Be Seeing You! (On Wednesday)
Jeffrey White
Protest Organizer

Liberace Fans to Protest the Closing of the Museum
Fans of the Liberace Museum are outraged at the closing of the Museum (see our post below). According to our pal, Johnny Katz at the Las Vegas Sun, a protest is planned for Wednesday morning at 11:30 am in front of the museum.
Jeffrey White, the event organizer, is calling for the ouster of Liberace Foundation Chairman, Jeffrey Koep and Foundation President Jack Rappaport. Rappaport's continuing role is unknown but he thinks he may be asked to handle the choosing of items for a possible national tour. He is also trying to find a new home for the Museum on the Strip.
According to Katz, Koep said meager visitation numbers at the museum (from a high of 450,000 at its peak to around 30,000 last year) and an absence of revenue from businesses in the strip-mall plaza owned by the foundation were the reasons the distinctly Las Vegas attraction is closing.
Koep said the museum had for years been financially sustained by the endowment fund set up to award scholarships, and it had reached the point where the museum had to close to preserve that fund, he said. The Liberace Foundation had once awarded $500,000 annually to gifted students; last year that number fell to $65,000.
The organized outcry likely won't be a massive effort. A turnout of between 75 and 100 is expected. But White, quoting from legendary cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead, said the group would not be deterred:
"A small group of thoughtful people can change the world. Indeed it's the only thing that ever has."
For more on the Museum prospects and a film on the life of Lee: