Entries from April 18, 2010 - April 24, 2010

TCM Film Festival

Just wanted to give loyal readers a heads up.  We are off to the TCM Film Festival that begins today in Hollywood.  Hopefully, we will get a chance to blog from the Roosevelt Hotel!

Stay tuned!

 Update:  Back from the Film Festival so look for new posts beginning tomorrow or Thursday.  Great festival but I am exhausted!




Prior to "The Treasure of Sierra Madre", Angelica and Danny Huston talked about missing their dad's voice most of all.


Our Patron Saint, Robert Osborne, now a Rock Star of the highest caliber so says Anjelica Huston, Eva Marie Saint and many others!

Posted on Thursday, April 22, 2010 at 8:32AM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn | CommentsPost a Comment