Entries from April 19, 2009 - April 25, 2009

Lake Mead braces for lowest levels since 1965

From our pals at the Las Vegas Sun:



On the concrete launch ramp of Boulder Harbor, where a marina once docked boats at Lake Mead, National Park Service spokesman Andrew Munoz points to a thin strip of land that protrudes almost a foot out of the water.

“See that?” he asks. “A week ago, if you were to stand on that finger of land, you would be knee deep in water.”

Lake Mead’s elevation has dropped to 1,103 feet above sea level, and by July, the Bureau of Reclamation forecasts that it will be at 1,092, its lowest level since 1965, when Colorado River water was being retained upstream to fill Lake Powell in Arizona.

Rough asphalt installed in the 1960s to help boats reach the lake at the previous low-water mark at Boulder Harbor is visible at the end of the concrete launch ramps. Munoz points in the distance to a wooden structure hanging over a small bluff. It used to be a fishing pier, he says.

After nine years of drought, the Lake Mead National Recreational Area is preparing for another year of moving ramps, marinas and other facilities, chasing the shoreline as it recedes.

Echo Bay Marina in the northern part of Lake Mead began preparations Thursday to tow the docks to deeper water, Munoz said. The marina will close from April 26 through May 5, but boat owners who use the slips will be shuttled from shore to their vessels, Munoz and marina employees said. Boat rentals will still be available by reservation, Munoz said.

Temple Bar Marina on the Arizona side will also close soon to move it to deeper water, Munoz said.

At Boulder Harbor, pipe matting made of corrugated steel will be laid over the dirt where the concrete launch ramp ends, to prevent vehicles and vessels from creating potholes at the water’s edge, he said. That will be a temporary fix while a contract is sought to extend the launch ramp yet another time.

In addition, park rangers continually move buoys and other navigational aids to help boaters avoid an unpleasant run-in with a rock or other obstruction that used to be well below the water’s surface.

The work is expected to cost the park service $10 million, and the marinas are expected to put another $1 million into the move, he said.

These changes are part of the larger story of the drought that has gripped the Southwest.

Fourteen months ago, Lake Mead Marina, which used to occupy Boulder Harbor and was known as a place where tourists and children could feed popcorn to carp, pulled up its anchors and was floated down the shore to Hemenway Harbor.

The Southern Nevada Water Authority, which draws 90 percent of Southern Nevada’s water supply from two intake pipes in Lake Mead, is racing the falling water levels to complete a third intake that will preserve its ability to fill Las Vegas’ water needs, spokesman J.C. Davis said.

One of the intake pipes will lose its ability to draw water when the lake reaches 1,050 feet elevation, a level that the Bureau of Reclamation is not predicting in its two-year forecast, Davis said.

The Water Authority has drawn a line in the sand at 1,000 feet, he said. That’s the lowest level the second intake and the new intake will be able accommodate, he said. Before the lake reaches that point, the states that depend on Colorado River water have agreed to renegotiate the way water is divided, Davis said.

The current low-water level can be traced upstream, Davis said. The snow pack in the Rocky Mountains was 82 percent of normal, which is better than the average of 67 percent over the past several years, he said.

If there had been more, he said, the water level of Lake Powell might have reached a high enough level that more water would have been released to Lake Mead.

In addition, he said, the growing season in California and Arizona is beginning, and orders are coming in for agriculture, which uses 80 percent of the water taken out of Lake Mead. Because of that cycle, summer is when the lake always reaches its annual low-water mark, Davis said.

Still, it’s discouraging to boaters like Jesse Keenan, who was pulling his boat in from an outing at Boulder Harbor Thursday morning.

“There’s nothing you can do about it,” he said. “It’s like a martini glass. You take one sip at the top and it’s no big deal. When you get to the bottom, each sip is a big deal.

“We didn’t used to have a problem. Now, are you kidding me?”

CORRECTION: This story was updated to correct the area of Lake Mead referenced as Boulder Harbor.


Posted on Saturday, April 25, 2009 at 11:37PM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn | Comments2 Comments

Tropicana closes 560 rooms due to building codes concerns

Officials at the Tropicana have closed 560 rooms that are believed to have renovations that don't comply with building codes.

On Thursday, hotel managers made the decision to close the rooms in the Paradise Tower to deal with a discovery that plumbing renovations to the rooms are out of compliance, general manager Ron Thacker said.

"We intend to work diligently and in cooperation with local authorities to bring the rooms into compliance as soon as possible," he said.

All other rooms, casino, pool and convention facilities remain open.

Thacker described the problem as being related to plumbing fixtures, but said he didn't have enough details to elaborate.

"We are still assessing it," Thacker said.

He said building engineers and inspectors discovered the problem during a routine annual inspection on Wednesday.

The renovation in question was done in the 1990s and the compliance issue had previously gone unnoticed, Thacker said.

Guests are being relocated to other rooms that weren't affected by the renovation. If there aren't enough rooms in the 1,800-room property to accommodate all the guests, they will be moved to other resorts, Thacker said.

Thacker said midweek occupancy has been low but weekends have been full, meaning the property is likely to lose out on weekend revenue until the problem is resolved.

"We were looking for a pretty good weekend, so yeah, it hurts," Thacker said.

The Tropicana Las Vegas features six restaurants, an 850-seat theater, three pools, more than 1,800 hotel rooms and 61,000 square feet of casino floor space. It opened in 1957. It is currently owned by Tropicana Entertainment of Las Vegas.

Posted on Friday, April 24, 2009 at 1:29AM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn | CommentsPost a Comment

Las Vegas: 1905-1965 Available Here!



We've got copies!

Discover the real history of Las Vegas!


It's finally available! Yep, the book I wrote on the history of Las Vegas with lots of postcards, some rare and one of kind.

We cover the history of Las Vegas from 1905 to 1965 and besides lots of interesting history about the Strip and the various original hotels, there's lots of history on the Roadside Architecture, the Motels, the Post-War era,and most of all, the Community.

Discover the real history of Las Vegas!

It's a fun-filled book packed with info and lots of images of the Las Vegas you love and miss.

I've got copies of the book for sale on my website and I'll autograph them as well!


So, head on over and order your copy today!

A portion of the sales goes toward maintaining this blog and our historical preservation work so it's for a worthy cause!

Las Vegas Sun wins a Pulitizer Prize


The Las Vegas Sun has won a Pulitizer Prize for Public Service it was announced this afternoon.

The Las Vegas Sun has won the Pulitzer Prize for public service for exposing a high death rate among construction workers on the Las Vegas Strip.

According to the Pulitzer Web site, the honor was "awarded to the Las Vegas Sun, and notably the courageous reporting by Alexandra Berzon, for the exposure of the high death rate among construction workers on the Las Vegas Strip amid lax enforcement of regulations, leading to changes in policy and improved safety conditions."

The only other Nevada newspaper ever to win a Pulitzer Prize was the Reno Evening Gazette and Nevada Journal (now the Reno Gazette-Journal) for editorials written about the Mustang Ranch brothel in 1977.

The Pulitzers are the most prestigious awards in journalism.


Posted on Monday, April 20, 2009 at 1:59PM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn | CommentsPost a Comment