Entries from November 9, 2008 - November 15, 2008

New Year's Eve Celebrations

I know it's a tad early to be thinking about it but for those who plan ahead, here is the info regarding Firework Displays and more on New Year's Eve this year:


America’s Party to Bring Fireworks Closer to the Las Vegas Strip

Pyrotechnic display to highlight citywide celebration

Las Vegas Events and the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA) announced today that ground locations will be utilized as firing points for the New Year’s Eve fireworks extravaganza known as America’s Party.


The fireworks show is designed to bring the pyrotechnics closer to the visitors on the Las Vegas Strip, while introducing new design elements.


The tentative firing locations include (from the south, heading north):

Mandalay Bay – Convention Center Lot (corner of Russell and Las Vegas Blvd.)

Luxor – Parking Lot (across Las Vegas Blvd. on the corner of Mandalay Bay Road)

MGM Grand – Parking Garage

Paris – Parking Garage

Caesars Palace – Parking Garage

Treasure Island (TI)/Mirage – Valet Parking Garage

Las Vegas Convention Center – Gold Parking Lot

Stratosphere – Parking Garage

Fremont Street Experience – Under the canopy


In previous years, when the show was fired off hotel rooftops, the fireworks could be seen throughout the valley. Due to the change in firing locations, the best viewing areas will now be ground level on the Las Vegas Strip. Local residents are also encouraged to take the firing locations into consideration for ideal viewing.


“America’s Party is a signature event for Las Vegas,” said Las Vegas Events President Pat Christenson. “Our goal each year is to develop a show that is worthy of this great city, and this year we will bring it closer to the revelers on the Las Vegas Strip.”


Fireworks by Grucci has been contracted to coordinate the pyrotechnic display. Fireworks by Grucci of New York, innovators in state-of-the-art displays, is world renowned for its pyrotechnic creations. The group recently coordinated the fireworks display at the Beijing Olympic Games and has executed numerous presidential inaugurations and citywide celebrations. Locally, Fireworks by Grucci has produced many of Las Vegas’ largest special events and grand openings, including the official Las Vegas Centennial celebration.


"This will be the fifth time that we have been commissioned by Las Vegas Events to coordinate America’s Party,” said Donna Grucci Butler, president of Fireworks by Grucci. “This show is billed as America's largest New Year’s Eve Party, and it will be coordinated and designed in true Las Vegas style.”


Thematic elements and the musical soundtrack are in the final stages of development and will be officially announced at a press conference on Tuesday, Dec. 16 at the Fashion Show Mall, located on the Las Vegas Strip.


America’s Party is the official moniker coined by the LVCVA and Las Vegas Events to signify the annual citywide celebration on Dec. 31. This year’s festivities include both the themed fireworks extravaganza on the Las Vegas Strip, as well as the live concerts and fireworks under the canopy at the Fremont Street Experience. Themed as “TributePalooza,” the world’s best tribute bands will be performing fourteen hours of live music from 6 p.m. until 1 a.m. (PT) on both the 1st Street and 3rd Street stages on Fremont Street Experience. Tribute bands will be performing as Billy Joel, Eagles, David Bowie, KISS, Rolling Stones, U2, Queen and Aerosmith.



Posted on Friday, November 14, 2008 at 10:49AM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn in , | CommentsPost a Comment

2nd Annual Las Vegas Showgirl Art Competition Exhibition

The Second Annual Las Vegas Showgirl Art Competition Exhibition opened at the Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas on November 10. On display in the East Gallery are the artwork from this year's competition, as well as showgirl costumes and accoutrements.


The Las Vegas Showgirl Art Competition was established by former showgirl Lou Anne Chessik who performed on Las Vegas stages from 1979 – 1991 in such productions as Hallelujah Hollywood, Jubilee!, Lido de Paris, and Enter the Night. Chessik founded the competition in 2007 as a way to preserve and commemorate the world of the showgirl and the elaborate costume productions that were once common in Las Vegas and Reno showrooms.


"It's its own world and it's all going away," Chessik says. She doubts productions of similar scope and proportion will ever return. "It's so expensive to even create shows like that now."


The showgirl tradition dates back to the 1869 Paris premier of the Folies Bergère. Showman Florenz Ziegfeld brought showgirls to the American stage in the 1910s and '20s, while producer Donn Arden introduced them to Las Vegas when he opened Lido de Paris at the Stardust in 1958.


Featured in the Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas exhibition are designer Bob Mackey's Blue Cage costume from the finale of Bally's Jubilee!, as well as costumes and accessories from Hello, Hollywood, Hello, performed at the MGM Grand Reno in 1978-89.


Sponsors of the Las Vegas show include Karen Burns Productions; Technology Exclusive; Escobar & Associates; Cindy Doumani; Denny Weddle & Associates; the Houssels Family Trust; Carolyn Sparks; and the Cast & Crew Reunion.

Posted on Monday, November 10, 2008 at 3:09PM by Registered CommenterDennis McBride | Comments1 Comment