Entries from July 15, 2007 - July 21, 2007
The Friends of Classic Las Vegas
Who knew I was the Relentless Historian? Though I have to admit, I have felt that way for much of the last couple of years.
I love my hometown, I love its history. I want to share the real history with others. Perhaps more importantly, I want the real history documented for the next generation so that the myths stop being prepetuated. Call me crazy, others have.
Cultural Tourism is important. Fremont Street is one of the links to our collective past. Its images are in our DNA. As Fremont Street evolved from Tent City to the Heart of the Community to Glitter Gulch to today's Fremont Street Experience and the coming Fremont East Entertainment District, the evolution of Las Vegas can be charted by the changes on Fremont Street.
Kristen Peterson of the Las Vegas Sun did an article on our hoped for plans to document the evolution of Fremont Street over the last ten decades.
Read the article here: http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/do/2007/jun/29/566659472.html
If you would like to donate to the Friends of Classic Las Vegas or help with our Fremont Street survey, email me at
for more information.
The Final Frontier
Less than twenty-four hours from now, the New Frontier Hotel will close the books and the doors on 64 years of operation. RoadsidePictures and I were there yesterday (Saturday) to pay our respects and take some pictures.
People were prying the room number plates off the doors and the waterfalls and streams in the Atrium Tower had been turned off. The folks around the pool seemed to be having a good time but then it was 109 outside.
Inside, we talked with a guy who had been coming to Vegas for over 40 years and loved the Frontier. He looked so sad and dejected as he told us he was being priced off the Strip. "Rooms at the Palms are $250 a night. I can't afford that. But I could afford a room here."
The Old Vegas is quickly giving way to the New Vegas of luxury hotels and ultra-lounges.
We will the miss the Frontier. Not so much for what she is today but for all that she was over the last 64 years.
Be sure to check out our continuing history of the property at our Brief History of the Las Vegas Strip:
The sign is much taller than it looks.
The old vs the new
Trump Tower and the Frontier Parking Lot
Special thanks to RoadsidePictures for allowing us to use these images.