Entries from April 29, 2007 - May 5, 2007

Live Music in Las Vegas

A little bit of a departure from the norm around here but I wanted to highlight a couple of great bands that I have been following around Las Vegas.


The Pickadillos:

Mutant Blue Grass that Rocks!


Yeah, I know what you're thinking, Bluegrass wtf?  Well guess what?  You're wrong.  These guys kick butt with both traditional and rock and roll bluegrass.  

Steve Harder-Kucera, founder of the group,  is the banjo player, Richard Wells brings the down-home music vibe on the dobro,  Brett Barnes is in charge of the percussion and on drums, Rob Edwards is on bass, Raj Rathor is the guitarist and vocalist and Robert Bell rounds out the group on vocals and the mandolin.

Check out their website, go see them in person and buy one of their CDs and support this band.  You won't be sorry! 



Killians Angels 

Killians Angels.jpg 


All female band that covers both traditional Celtic tunes as well as rock and roll favorites.  They do great covers of Bad Moon and Fever.

They can usually be found on Friday nights at Brendan's Pub in the Orleans Hotel on Tropicana from 9:00 pm to 1:00 am.  Use the west entrance of the Hotel off of Arville for easiest access to the Pub.  The group has been based in Las Vegas since 2001.  These gals are great.

Ginger Bruner, a Las Vegas native, plays the bass, tuba, percussion, vocals and more.  Lisa Viscuglia is the very talented violinist,  Dolly Coulter is the lead vocalist as well as guitar.  Nan Fortier is the percussion mistress extraordinaire as well as the tin whistle.  Beth Mullaney also handles vocals as well as the guitar and mandolin

Some sharp promoter should put them on a double bill with The Pickadillos in a good venue and watch the money flow in. 




Events on 3rd

Church on Third.jpg 

This is a historical church that has been saved and is now used on Friday nights for live music.  Some of the best session players in town can be found here on Friday nights.  Bobby Morris, who was Elvis Presley's drummer, was there last Friday night, along with Mary Oliver, Rich Jones and others.  

The site is the former Methodist Church at 3rd and Bridger.  This  was the first church built in Las Vegas a hundred years ago.  Today, worshippers of good, live music pay a $5.00 cover fee to enjoy a night's worth of entertainment, Old-Vegas style.  You never know who will drop in to play with Bobby Morris and the band. Two months back, Keely Smith was there singing songs that she and Louis Prima and Sam Butera helped make famous.

After you see the Pickadillos at First Friday, head on over here to continue your evening of great entertainment and then head on up to the Orleans to catch the last couple of sets by Killians Angels.   You won't be sorry.






Posted on Tuesday, May 1, 2007 at 1:47PM by Registered CommenterLasVegasLynn in | CommentsPost a Comment